Assassin Mine

Free Assassin Mine by Cynthia Sax

Book: Assassin Mine by Cynthia Sax Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Sax
and lowered his mouth.
    To me. Not to a breeder. To me. Sabria brushed her
smiling lips against his. “Is that all you feel? Accustomed?” She traced the
shell of Darius’ ear with her fingertips and a purr of contentment rose from
his throat.
    “I want you.” He tugged the sheet from around her body and
she gasped as the cool air hit her naked skin. “More than I have ever wanted
anything or anyone.” He clutched her to him and buried his face in her
shoulder, his mouth hard and demanding. “You make me want, need, believe.” He
covered her torso with punishing kisses, marking her. “I need to be inside your
hot pussy. Now.”
    Darius unfastened his pants and freed his cock. Sabria
reached for him and he swatted her hands away. With an anguished growl, he
lifted her and rammed her down on his hardness, impaling her upon him, his cock
head pushing deep inside her, splitting her open, filling her.
    “Yes.” He sighed, resting his forehead against hers, his
eyes closed, his mouth curled upward into a smile.
    “Yes,” she agreed as he throbbed inside her, big and thick
and alive. Sabria unfastened his jacket and slid her hand underneath the
leather, resting her fingertips over his heart, the steady beat reassuring her,
comforting her. “This connection we have is special, Darius,” she shared,
needing, wanting him to know. “I’ve fucked other males and I never felt this
way with them.”
    “No other males,” Darius bellowed, opening his eyes, his
irises a heated red. “You’ll never fuck another male.” He lifted her, his
strength impressive, and he slammed her onto him, spearing his cock between her
pussy lips, gripping her hips tightly with his fingers. “Never.” As he drove
her down on him, the force rattling her teeth, shaking her body, he thrust
upward, reaching deeper and deeper within her. “You are my female.”
    “Yours.” Sabria rode him, leveraging off his heaving
shoulders, maintaining his relentless rhythm, her ass slapping against his
leather-covered thighs, the sting accentuating her pleasure. “I’m yours.” She
panted, her pussy gushing with her juices, slicking his shaft, easing the
friction between them. “Your breeder.”
    “My breeder.” He twined his fingers into her hair and pulled
her head back, raising her face to him. “You’ll never feel this way with
another.” Darius claimed her mouth as he claimed her body, completely,
brutally, without mercy, demanding her surrender.
    She parted her pulsing lips and he filled her mouth with
tongue, her pussy with his cock. There was no escaping him and she didn’t want
to flee, her body his to abuse, to pleasure, her heart in her assassin’s
skillful hands.
    My heart. Oh shit, I love him. She dropped her gaze,
hiding that realization from Darius. He’s a Balazoid , a male who
won’t admit to any weakness, any soft emotion, and I love him. She writhed
upon him, tormented by despair, unable to avoid the heartbreak fast
    He groaned into her mouth and rubbed his chest against her
breasts, the ribbed leather of his jacket teasing her sensitive nipples. She
arched into him, shamelessly naked on the bridge of his ship, wantonly offering
him everything, her heart, her body, and her soul.
    Darius, being a Balazoid , a ruthless killer, a deadly
assassin, took her offer, pounding into her with reckless abandon, remaining
nearly fully clothed and in control, emotionally untouchable. She mewled with
frustration and raked her nails along his exposed chest. He hissed, his
reaction pleasing her, and he moved faster, thrusting harder, deeper, their
bodies slapping together.
    She burned, her thighs, ass and breasts ablaze with
connection, her lips smashed against his, the taste of her own blood in her
mouth. He fucked her as he’d never fucked her before, branding her skin with
    “Darius.” As Sabria quivered and shook, struggling to hold
back her orgasm, she dug her nails into his flesh, piercing his skin.
    “Yes, mark

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