To the Death

Free To the Death by Peter R. Hall

Book: To the Death by Peter R. Hall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter R. Hall
signal the conspirators, with nobody in the downstairs part of the building being any the wiser. Menahem Ben Judas rose from his chair and the chattering group became silent. “Brethren, the time has come. We attack Masada in ten days’ time”.
    These men had waited a long time for this moment. Many like their leader were Galilean; all of them shared a burning hatred of the Romans. A satisfied murmur rumbled around the room. Menahem continued “We have sworn members of our organisation in key positions in the fortress. They know what they have to do. They are patiently awaiting the order to strike. My nephew Eleazor Ben Jair, will take that order tomorrow morning, when he delivers supplies.” The moment was at hand. In the lamp light, eyes gleamed with satisfaction. These were hard men, who had sacrificed a lot to become freedom fighters. Many of them had suffered personally under Roman rule. Not just the imposition of taxes. In the struggle for freedom, they had lost family members, had their homes confiscated, their sons and daughters sold into slavery.
    It had taken years of careful planning to infiltrate the civilian population who worked at the fortress. Many were slaves, who actually stayed in the fortress overnight. Other civilians were admitted to the fortress from time to time to deliver supplies. The Sicarii now had enough men inside the fortress who were not only sympathetic to their cause, they had been recruited into their organisation and acknowledged Menahem as their leader.
    â€œWith Masada taken, we divide our forces. Eleazor Ben Jair will assume command of the fortress and from there, will attack every town and village within a fifty miles radius”. He paused to sip from his goblet. “In Judaea all Roman garrisons are to be destroyed. Where the people fail to support us, their villages will be burnt to the ground; their inhabitants put to death”.
    This last brought an uneasy shuffling of feet. They were used to assassinating fellow Jews for political purposes. Murder and torture were their everyday stock in trade. But putting whole Jewish communities to the sword?
    Menahem pressed on relentlessly. “A Jew who supports Rome is as much your enemy as any Roman. Either can cause your death. Both keep you in poverty. Our fellow Jews are either for us or against us - there is no middle ground. My enemy’s enemy is my friend”.
    Along the length of the table fists pounded the table in agreement. Few doubted that some of them would die in the coming assault, but they were resolved. Freedom or death. They met their leader’s eye; clenched fists were raised in salute. A slightly built rabbi, a young man who had spent his entire life as a scholar, asked the question which had formed in others’ minds. “What follows Masada?”
    â€œIt will take time for the news to reach Rome and for Rome to respond”, was the answer. “In the meantime the Roman forces garrisoned throughout Palestine will hole up and keep to their barracks”.
    Before Menahem could continue another voice was heard, “What about the legions in Syria, and the client Kings in the north who have sworn allegiance to Rome?”
    Other excited voices joined in the questioning. Nazarius, a Judean who was a Levite in the Temple, ground out “What about fucking Florus, and that bastard Cestius? Both command many men and they are well armed and”, he added viciously, “what about the turncoat Agrippa and his cunt of a sister?”
    Menahem laughed at the storm of questioning that had broken out, and banged on the table to bring them to order. “Within Masada is Herod’s armoury, a vast collection of weapons. Enough to equip an army of thousands”. A thoughtful silence settled on the room. They had forgotten about this priceless cache. “I will arm those citizens of Jerusalem who will swear loyalty to our cause, and attack the city from within. We will lay

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