Breaking the Rules (Roaming Devils MC #1)

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Book: Breaking the Rules (Roaming Devils MC #1) by Lexie Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexie Davis
making up his toned stomach. “Please tell me that there is more between us.”
    He didn’t say anything for a long time. Ella thought he’d actually gone to sleep before she glanced up and saw him staring at the ceiling. She propped herself up next to him and rested her chin on his chest.
    “What’s wrong?”
    He took a deep breath. “Nothing.”
    “Ryker, you can talk to me.”
    “I know.” He tried to give her a reassuring smile. “We’re more than a one-night stand.” He leaned over to kiss her. “You should probably get some sleep. You’re going to be dragging tomorrow morning when you go in for work.”
    “I’m on-call. I don’t have to go in unless I’m paged.” She caressed his stomach. “There are times when you look so happy, Ryker. And then there are times when you’re a million miles away looking like someone killed your dog.”
    He rolled over and pulled her ass against him, wrapping his arms around her. “I’m fine.” He kissed her shoulder. “Quit worrying about me.”
    Ella lay there until his breathing became deep and even. She listened to the sounds of him sleeping, feeling less convinced that his words were true. Whatever he had on his mind was off limits with her. She kissed his fingers, loving how his large hand fit in her small one. Maybe he would open up to her completely one day. Until then, all she could do was love him.

Chapter Five
    The moment Ryker stepped into the club, he knew Razor was pissed at him. The old man couldn’t hide his feelings well, and he didn’t even try where Ryker was concerned.
    “I see you’ve decided to grace us with your presence.” Razor propped his chin on his hand, staring at him. “You don’t answer your phone now? We had important club business to handle and you’re shacked up with that fucking doctor.”
    Ryker snorted. “Important club business? Like what?”
    “Does it fucking matter? You didn’t answer your goddamn phone.” Razor stood and came over to him. “I’m starting to think that you don’t take your position as sergeant-at-arms seriously. That pussy has clouded your vision and your place in the club.”
    He didn’t say anything. Most of the time, letting Razor say his piece was the best option instead of arguing with him.
    “I’m not going to tell you this again. Stay away from her. She’s bad for you and she’s bad for the club.”
    Ryker stared at him. “Or what?”
    Razor tilted his head back. Nobody challenged Razor. Ryker didn’t know what the fuck was wrong with him, but his father’s attitude pissed him off. He’d always had it out for Ella. Even when they were teens. He told him that girls like that with fathers like hers didn’t mix with their kind. He thought the old man was scared of her father, but the more Ryker listened to him talk, the more he thought Ella scared him. She threatened his legacy. She threatened to take Ryker away from the club.
    Ryker knew damn good and well that he’d never leave the Roaming Devils MC. He didn’t want to. The club also had leverage on him that they would hand over to the police in a pretty package with a fucking bow if he even threatened to leave. It was a forced commitment and usually the last option they had when members left. In prison, they’d forced him to need them for protection. But they’d made him earn it.
    He wasn’t stupid. He knew the lifelong commitment that came with the club. He knew it and had seen what it did to those that came before him. He didn’t know what card the old man wanted to play, but to protect Ella, he needed to stay away from her. God, he kept telling himself that, but like the junkie he was, he kept going back to her for more. He’d never forgive himself if she ended up hurt or dead because of him. With the look in Razor’s eyes, the entire situation was heading down that dark road.
    “Don’t test me, boy.”
    Ryker rubbed his eyes. “Ella is not a threat to this club so drop it. I’ll be right there, ready to

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