Breaking the Rules (Roaming Devils MC #1)

Free Breaking the Rules (Roaming Devils MC #1) by Lexie Davis

Book: Breaking the Rules (Roaming Devils MC #1) by Lexie Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexie Davis
effect on him. Cupping her cheeks, he kissed her. His tongue sought entrance to her mouth and succeeded, stroking along hers in its own fucking-like rhythm.
    “Condom.” He pulled away briefly to find the condoms they’d left near the bed and grabbed one. She watched as he stepped out of his pants and came to her, quickly rolling the condom on in a smooth, practiced motion. He yanked her shorts down and lifted her, pressing her body between his and the door.
    With his fingers gripping her ass, each glorious inch of his cock pressed into her. She gasped at the fullness, their position making him feel bigger than he had on the bed. How the hell she’d gone so long without sex was beyond her. He seated himself inside her, then proceeded to fuck her hard against the door.
    Leaning forward, he sucked her nipple into his mouth. She dug her heels into his perfect ass, gasping as he thrust into her hard. This was what she wanted. Her arms went around his neck as she combed her fingers through his hair. She tugged his hair hard enough to pull his lips from her breast and kissed him, biting at his fleshly lower lip before sucking it.
    Their groans mingled in the otherwise silent room as he pulled her away from the door and buried himself inside her. Ella held on to him as he carried her to the bed. He dropped her onto it, then stood at the edge. Ryker pulled back, staring down at her while his hips pumped into her. His cock repeatedly hit a place inside her pussy that made her eyes roll to the back of her head. She gasped, clutching the sheets beneath her, straining as he drove her to ecstasy. Pleasure coursed through her, hot as fire and no less intense. Her back arched off the mattress while her pussy squeezed him.
    He leaned over her and pushed harder and deeper, coming in her arms as she wrapped them around his sweat-slicked body. She wanted to wrap herself in him. To hold him and love him like he did her.
    “I think you woke the neighborhood with that one.” Ryker chuckled against her cheek before kissing her. “Damn, I need something stronger than a cigarette.”
    Ella closed her eyes as he withdrew from her. He took care of the condom and checked his phone.
    “Do you need to leave?”
    He glanced up at her. “Nah.” He paused. “Do you want me to go?”
    She laughed. “Not anytime soon.”
    He walked toward her and settled them both in the bed. She curled up next to him and kissed his chest. She tried to remember anything about his family and came up blank. His grandfather took him to school and when he got his license, he rode his motorcycle. She’d been a girl tempted by the leather jacket and cocky attitude and she’d wanted to ride on the back of that bike with him.
    “I know you won’t talk about the club with me, but can I ask you something personal?”
    “You can ask me anything you want.”
    She chewed on her lower lip. “I know about your father. I’ve seen your grandfather pick you up from school a time or two. Did you have a mother? Was she around while you were growing up?”
    He blew out a harsh breath. “No. My father raised me. My mother was just a woman he used to get him the offspring he wanted.”
    She frowned at him. “You never knew her?”
    “Nope.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “The only family I have is club.”
    She thought about it for a while, though she didn’t say anything. She couldn’t imagine growing up without her mother. Her father was great but he had a very different role in her life than her mom. She rubbed Ryker’s chest, wondering what it would have been like to live that kind of life. He didn’t have a huge sense of family commitment, or commitment in general. He was loyal to the club but she knew quite well that she’d never be considered part of that life. It made her pause, questioning where they fit together or if they did fit together.
    “I really need this to be something more than a one-night stand.” Ella rubbed her hand along the ripples of muscle

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