The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl

Free The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl by Leigh Statham

Book: The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl by Leigh Statham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh Statham
Tags: Fantasy, YA), Steampunk, alternate history
ship. It must be kismet that you walked my way with your sad eyes this afternoon.” He smiled at her in such a sweet way she couldn’t help but trust him and think he would make an excellent grandfather.
    She stood from her chair and removed her gloves. “Sir, you have a deal.” The quill felt like air in her hands as she picked it from the well and tapped off the excess ink. She scanned the long list of names under the actual contract and found a spot at the bottom. In beautiful script she added Lady Marie Ann Marguerite Vadnay .
    She paused, looking at the page as she placed the quill back in its nest. There was room for one, maybe two more names. She wondered who they would be. Then she looked for a moment at all the names before hers. She wondered where they were now and if she would meet them.
    “I see you are a woman who knows her mind.”
    “Yes, I am.” Marguerite paused again. “Out of curiosity, what is your name?”
    “I am Captain Oslow Moreau, at your service.”
    Marguerite felt quite empowered now and much more herself when she replied, “Well then, Captain Moreau, I hope your word is good, because if I experience anything contrary to what you’ve told me I shall write my father immediately and he will have your head.” She was only half joking.
    The old man twittered nervously. “Do not fear, all is just as I have said. I can’t imagine you will be disappointed.”
    “Indeed. I shall see you at sunrise.”
    “Yes, at sunrise.”
    And with that, Marguerite turned and stepped back out into her drab little town with a whole new plan hatching under her very stylish hat.

Chapter Eight

    “Where, exactly, have you been?” Pomphart was waiting for her at the main entrance.
    “I was visiting the shops with Vivienne one last time before you banish me from my home.” She made no excuses as she handed her hat and cape to Outil.
    “And what is that bot doing in this house?”
    “That bot is my bot and I have told you repeatedly I will have her wherever I wish on my last day in my home.”
    Pomphart made a move as if to slap Marguerite as she had the night of the ball, but quick as lightning, Outil was there between them.
    “It is not proper for one lady to strike another regardless of station.” Her calm, mechanical voice cut through the contention, reminding both women of their manners.
    Pomphart’s cheeks blazed red. She lowered her hand and declared, “I want this machine out of this home. Now.”
    “Outil, did you have anything to attend to on the grounds?” Marguerite asked in her best sticky sweet voice.
    “Yes, m’lady. There are several assignments that require my attention, but my first priority is to you.”
    “Then you may be dismissed, but only until I summon you once more.” Marguerite didn’t care a thing about what Pomphart wanted, but she didn’t want to risk endangering her relationship with her father any further on their last night together.
    Outil did not budge until Pomphart took a step back. Only then did the automaton move sideways and toward the door, handing Marguerite’s things to a maid standing at the ready.
    “You will follow me.” Pomphart turned on her heel and marched forward without watching to see if Marguerite would follow.
    Marguerite took a step in the same direction but was caught at the arm by the maid with her coat. “Don’t go with her, miss! She’s a wicked one. I don’t know what she’s been plannin’ but I guarantee you it’s not anything good!”
    Surprised and touched in the smallest way by the concern of this common house worker, Marguerite patted her hand and assured her, “Thank you, but I’m fine. There isn’t anything worse she can do to me that she hasn’t already done, and this is our last night together.”
    “Yes, miss. Just … be careful!”
    Marguerite nodded and followed after Pomphart, who seemed to be heading to the kitchens. She caught up with her and wondered at their winding path through what was now

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