finding Reese.: a SAFELIGHT novel vol.2 (SAFELIGHT Series)

Free finding Reese.: a SAFELIGHT novel vol.2 (SAFELIGHT Series) by Imy Santiago

Book: finding Reese.: a SAFELIGHT novel vol.2 (SAFELIGHT Series) by Imy Santiago Read Free Book Online
Authors: Imy Santiago
Tags: volume 2, The Safelight Series
lips and nods her head slowly. God, she’s so adorable. It takes all of my willpower to break away from her, but I also know she understands why I need some time to think. I brush my teeth and put on sweats and trainers. By the time I return to kiss her goodbye, she’s fast asleep with a smile on her face. I kiss her hair, taking in its sweet scent, and leave the suite.
    Instead of heading straight to the lodge restaurant like I originally intended, I stop by the lodge’s gym and run on the treadmill at a threatening pace. As I race, my mind goes amok with thoughts of the past and how I need to let it go. I can’t let my past control my future with Catalina. The more I run, the more I feel liberated from Olivia’s ghost. No matter how much she hurt me, a part of me still held onto her. Even when I lost myself in bed with lots of women, I always had Olivia in my head.
    And now, I feel no love for her, and while that much is true I worry that not all people share my ideals of fidelity. All the depth of my feeling belongs to Catalina. I have to shake off the devil’s seed of doubt planted in my brain because of my past. Drenched in sweat, I get off the treadmill and pick up the courtesy phone to make arrangements for a nice brunch to be delivered to our room. Olivia was my past, but Catalina is my future, and I’ll be damned if I fuck this up with my insecurities.
    Picking up a towel, I wipe the sweat from my brow. Through the mirrored walls I see two women eyeballing me, and I groan inwardly. Look away, ladies, because looking is all you’ll be able to do. Throwing the towel into the bin, I leave the gym and return to our room. Luckily, Catalina is still fast asleep, so I duck in the shower and make it quick since I want to greet room service without waking her up. Wrapping a towel around my hips, I walk to the closet and dress for the day. The sound of my phone chirping in the bathroom redirects my attention. As I pick up my phone, my heart clenches in my chest.
    I reply quickly.
    I check my email inbox and see Kaelan’s itinerary. We leave tomorrow afternoon for Casper, Wyoming. Closing the application, I reply back.

    The raps against the door of the suite prompt me to place my cell in my pocket and run to the door. I collect the trays from the room service cart and place them on the small table in the suite. The smell of waffles and bacon wafts into the room, waking Catalina up. There’s my girl, her raven hair messy, and a smile on her heart-shaped lips. Her alluring beauty takes my breath away.
    “Good morning again, baby,” I whisper as she yawns and stretches in bed.
    Yawning, Catalina says, “Good morning to you too.” Coming over to the bed, I kiss her lips softly. She sighs happily.”You smell so good.”
    I tilt my neck until her nose and lips touch my skin. “There. Better?” Once again, Catalina inhales deeply, but this time she licks me, and my dick quickly takes notice of her affections. I chuckle inwardly, thinking no woman but Catalina has the ability to get me going with the simplest of actions, and I love that about us.
    “Stop teasing me, Catalina,” I groan, and after putting a considerable distance between us, I stand to help her up. “Come on, baby. Brunch is here.”
    Catalina scoots out of bed in her

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