The Hunted (Guild of Assassins Book 1)

Free The Hunted (Guild of Assassins Book 1) by Shannan Albright

Book: The Hunted (Guild of Assassins Book 1) by Shannan Albright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannan Albright
things that are not in your control. You must do what is necessary to survive. Remember that.” Taren’s words were a soft whisper in the air between them.
    She opened her mouth to ask if he was reading her mind, but he touched his finger to her lips in warning. He then pointed a few paces toward an open space ringed with trees and to the left where a tangle of brush covered several boulders. Holding up three fingers, he began the count. He wanted her to make a run for those boulders, out in the open, with arrows aimed right at them.
    Was he crazy?
    She shook her head, fear a sledgehammer pounding through her and making her mouth go dry. He scowled and gave her a sharp nod. His second finger curled into his palm.
    He gave her no time to argue. Grabbing her arm firmly, he pulled her to her feet and sprinted for the clearing, dragging her with him in the process. The whoosh of arrows followed them, deadly blurs coming so close Leigh could feel the wind of their passing.
    A stinging fire streaked across her outer thigh, then another at her shoulder, making her cry out. With a curse, Taren gave her a brutal shove and pushed her up and over the boulders to the relative safety on the other side.
    He fell hard on her injured thigh, and she bit back a scream as the pain radiated out from her leg to her toes.
    Taren quickly looked over her wounds and growled low. “Thankfully, the arrows just grazed you. Still, looks like they hurt like hell.”
    “Ya think?”
    “At least you still have your sense of humor.” He gave her a disarming smile.
    Her mouth dropped open as she stared at the excitement glinting red in his gaze. “You are enjoying this aren’t you?”
    He shrugged. “I spent much of my time hunting. It was a sport I excelled at in your world.”
    “Well, I don’t hunt and don’t like being the one hunted. Not. At. All.”
    “I’m sure you don’t.” His smile died as his gaze grew serious. “I must check to see how many we are up against. I think four, but there could be more. You need to heal those wounds.”
    “You’re going to leave me here? Not a chance, buddy. Where you go, I go.”
    “You need to be very quiet. Can you do that?”
    “Yes, if I’m not running for my life.”
    “I do not want you in harm’s way.”
    “And I don’t want you in harm’s way either, so it’s a stalemate.” She firmed her jaw and gave him a defiant glare. She knew she’d won when he let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders dropping slightly in resignation.
    He threw one last argument at her. “Can you kill to defend us?”
    She took a second to think about what it would mean to take a life, and shockingly, she found, in order to keep him safe, she would do whatever it took. She held his gaze, showing him the firm resolve in her unwavering stare.
    “Yes, I can.”
    Taren recognized the grim resolve etched in the tense line of her jaw, in her unwavering gaze. He marveled at the courage his mate demonstrated, his pride in her warming something in his chest. He’d studied many human females since stumbling onto this world, and none had half the spirit she showed. He held no doubt she would fight at his side doing what was needed, even if it went against everything she believed in.
    Love and pride overflowed into every cell in his body. Their bond, that golden cord connecting them filtered his emotions to her. By the widening of her eyes, she’d received his unspoken words. The wealth of love and acceptance he received back humbled him and filled him with pride for his woman. For whatever time they may have, he would be forever thankful for the time spent with such a wondrous female, humbled that she’d chosen him as hers. If they survived, he would gladly spend the rest of his life cherishing her.
    Beatrice’s hateful voice filled the quiet forest, harsh with arrogance and cruelty. “I know where you are, and we have you surrounded. Come out and met your death.”
    Their time just ran out.


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