A Lady Compromised (The Ladies)

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Book: A Lady Compromised (The Ladies) by Ava Pennington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Pennington
that it was written by me, I should have no problems!” Lady Delia sighed. “And we really couldn’t survive if I didn’t write, since the money I saved from Washburn Court won’t last forever. But hopefully I will figure a way to go home, soon. It’s not fair that I’m banished from my own home, thanks to a toadying lecher.” She gave her maid a wry smile. “There is nothing for you to worry about, however, Amelia.” 
    “Well, I am certain it will be a great success,” Amelia said with finality. “There’s plenty of fainting in the book, my lady?”
    “But of course! And plenty of dueling as well. It has everything a romantic novel could need.” 
    “That’s as it should be,” Amelia replied. “Now, let’s get you dressed for dinner, my lady. It is to be something very special tonight. Martha will outdo herself if I know anything about her.”
    “Amelia, I’ve told you I feel ridiculous dressing for dinner when I am the only one eating, but I suppose I can try to forget that tonight.” The two immediately began to discuss plans for Lady Delia’s next novel, to be penned immediately.

Chapter 13
    Christopher Rosewood received a note at Washburn Court from Gigi the next day. The letter had been exceptionally explicit with respect to Gigi’s activities with the Marquess and Christopher crumpled it, tossing the paper into the fire. He had known that Gigi would become Durham’s mistress; they had planned it. He had not anticipated that she would so enjoy her new position quite as much as she said she was enjoying it. He mentally shrugged off the twinge of jealousy. He knew that Gigi had tastes that only he, Christopher, could fulfill. She might enjoy the Marquess’ body, but she wouldn’t forget Christopher, or their plan. 
    His thoughts strayed to the wayward Lady Delia. She had been gone nearly a month and he had remained unable to locate her. Christopher quashed the small twinge of trepidation he felt at her continuing absence. She would not be able to live on her own for long with no way to support herself. And, Christopher thought, she had shown herself most unwilling to entertain the thought of doing what most desperate women with no money found to do to support them. She would return, Christopher assured himself, as the proud chit would never submit to being anyone’s mistress and no decent man would marry her. She was, in the eyes of society, completely ruined, which was why he had sent a note to that effect to his lovely mistress, Gigi. 
    My Dear Gigi,
    I am very pleased that you have successfully trapped the Marquess of Durham into becoming your protector. I trust you have not so entirely succumbed to his various charms as to forget your purpose in becoming his mistress? Remember: do be subtle! The Marquess is a playboy of the ton, but one never knows how he may react if he knew that his secret activities had been discovered. Be careful, Gigi. And think of me when you are together—when you are moaning and whimpering for him, how you will feel when we are finally together, and rich beyond our wildest dreams. Let that thought console you, my love. 
    On a more unfortunate note, I have yet to discover the whereabouts of The Bitch. She has escaped from me and managed to elude my inquisitors, but she must run out of money soon, unless she becomes a whore, in which case, you, my dear, would certainly be the first to know it. I highly doubt she possesses the requisite skills, but then some men are not as particular. If you hear of anything on that topic, write me at once.
    When she received it, Gigi laughed as she re-folded the letter and placed it carelessly on her delicate cherry writing table. Christopher was so worried about the Marquess being angry at his discovery…he must needs settle down and permit Gigi to operate at her own pace. The Marquess, she thought with a smile, was a lovely man; she intended to enjoy him just a bit longer before she plied

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