The Billionaires Hired Baby Mother: When the wife and surrogate are two different people

Free The Billionaires Hired Baby Mother: When the wife and surrogate are two different people by BWWM Club, Tyra Small

Book: The Billionaires Hired Baby Mother: When the wife and surrogate are two different people by BWWM Club, Tyra Small Read Free Book Online
Authors: BWWM Club, Tyra Small
money can ever repay your generosity. So we’ve decided that
seventy-five thousand is not enough. We would like to pay you two
hundred and fifty thousand,” Roy said sincerely.
    “ Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars?”
Ettie exclaimed. “That’s, I can’t accept that.
That’s insane,” she said shaking her head.
    “ Please Ettie. We insist and we know how
that money could change your life. Please accept,” Roy pleaded.
    “ I don’t know what to say,”
Ettie stammered.
    “ Ettie,” Andrea said beside her.
    Ettie thought about Lily and her future. This would ensure that she
went to college, that their bills were caught up. It would indeed
change their lives.
    “ Yes. Thank you so much,” Ettie
    They signed a few more documents when suddenly Ettie spoke up.
    “ Wait,” she said, “I have a
condition of my own.”
    “ And what condition would that be?”
Melissa interrupted alarmed.
    “ When the baby is born, I want them to hand
the baby to you first. I remember when they handed me my daughter
that was the moment we bonded and I fell in love with her. I just
want you to have that moment too Melissa.”
    Melissa blushed. She wasn't expecting that and she felt quite
embarrassed for thinking the worst.
    “ Thank you,” she managed finally.
    After the paperwork was signed Justin left them, shaking hands with
everyone and hugging Melissa. They were then joined by Dr. Klein. He
smiled at the three of them.
    “ That was the easy part. Now comes the
exciting but harder part,” Dr Klein joked.
    Dr. Klein wasn’t kidding. It turned out that being a surrogate
was not as easy as just signing a few legal documents. Ettie was put
through a series of more tests. She was given a prescription for FSH
and HCG injections, to increase her egg production. A few weeks later
her eggs were harvested. The eggs were then fertilized in the lab and
developed for several days before they were implanted back into
Ettie. Then they played the waiting game. After four days, Ettie was
called back into Dr. Klein’s office where a blood test was
performed. She received a call from Allison three days later
requesting that she come to Dr. Klein’s office the next day at
two pm. When she arrived she was shocked to find Roy and Melissa also
    “ Well congratulations you three. It looks
like you are having a baby,” Dr. Klein said.
    Ettie smiled and looked over at the pair. Roy whelped and hugged his
wife. Roy beamed while Melissa wore a frozen smile on her face.
    “ We have to celebrate,” Roy announced.
    “ I have to get home. To my mother and my
daughter,” Ettie protested. She then realized maybe he meant
just him and Melissa. “I’m sorry. I assumed…”
she started.
    “ No you assumed right. I meant the three of
us,” he said. “Thank you Ettie. Thank you so much.”
    Ettie looked at Melissa. She seemed to be in shock. She knew how she
must be feeling. Overwhelmed with happiness.
    “ No. I do need to get home. You two should
go out and celebrate of course. Congratulations. You’re having
a baby,” Ettie laughed.
    Melissa and Roy decided to go to one of their favorite spots for
dinner. They let the champagne flow freely.
    “ I’m so happy honey. I can’t
stop smiling,” Roy exclaimed.
    Melissa laughed.
    “ Me too. It’s finally happening. I’m
going to be a mother,” she said slightly shocked.
    “ Yes and you’re going to make an
amazing mom. This baby is so lucky to have you,” he said
clasping her hand.
    Melissa beamed at him. Maybe all of her negative thoughts was just
fear. Maybe they could have it all.
    Later that night, the effects of the alcohol doing its job, Melissa
grabbed Roy as soon as he opened the door. She kissed him
passionately on his mouth, hungry for his taste. As Roy deepened the
kiss, Melissa reached up and loosened his tie, and helped him shrug
off his jacket. It had been a long time since they'd had a night out,
just enjoying one another’s company. They

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