Now all I’ve got to do is to whisk it like this then into the pan I prepared earlier and, hey, presto! Oh, I forgot the ham.’
    Chantal added it quickly. As she helped him turn out the omelette onto a large serving plate they both stood back to admire their handiwork. Michel might be a wizard in the operating theatre but his pride in a simple omelette was a joy to behold.
    He sat at the head of the long kitchen table. She sat beside him. They tore off pieces of bread from the baguette, dunking it in Chantal’s vinaigrette, drinking the delicious wine, chattering all the time as if they’d known each other for a long time.
    ‘I’ll phone for a taxi to take you back to hospital later, Chantal. This wine was a really good choice. I mustn’t drive now. Alternatively, I’ve got a guest room where you could spend the night. No need for you to decide yet.’
    Michel found himself working out exactly how long he’d known this wonderful woman. It had been February when she’d first come into his life so she’d been here about four months now. She’d made such a difference to his working life in Emergency. He found he looked forward to working with her every day. And now she was bringing hope into his life by agreeing to have his baby. Their baby.
    If he hadn’t decided that he daren’t love again it would be very easy to feel emotional about her. But to fall in love was not part of the plan. He couldn’t open up his heart to the love of a woman again. Chantal, being very level-headed, had her own reasons not to fall in love. She couldn’t trust a man ever again. So they were perfect together, weren’t they?
    He put down his fork and reached for her small hand. ‘You won’t change your mind, will you, Chantal?’ he asked huskily.
    She felt the warmth of his hand around hers and the touch of skin against skin seemed almost erotic. She could feel deep down that being with Michel was affecting her more than it should.
    ‘No, of course I won’t change my mind.’ She stood up. ‘Dessert?’ she asked briskly.
    He could feel something like an electric current running between them. Deep down inside him was a powerful feeling of wanting to take Chantal in his arms and hold her until the feeling went away. He stood up and put his arms around her, drawing her close. This didn’t make sense. She should have pushed him away, told him to stick to the plan. Maybe she was feeling as he was. He bent his head to kiss her.
    She parted her lips as every sense in her body ignited with passion and longing. She was feeling overwhelmed by the sensual fluidity of her body as she moulded herself against Michel’s hard, virile, muscular frame. She was melting away as he held her tightly in his arms. There was a powerful force gripping her. She knew she should fight it but she had no intention of doing so. She didn’t even want to stir in his arms in case the dream ended.
    He lifted her into his arms, carrying her towards the door. There was no need for words as he carried her upstairs. They were both intent on giving in to the magic of the moment. There was no need to justify his actions or her compliance. Life was too precious to banish moments like this. There was no yesterday, no tomorrow, simply the present moment.

    W HAT HAD HE done? How could he have suspended all rational thinking last night? Michel settled himself back against his pillow. He’d lain for a while with his eyes closed. He could hear the steady breathing beside him. With his eyes now open he dared to look at the sleeping Chantal beside him.
    He held his breath in wonder. If he were a real romantic—which he’d tried so hard not to be since he’d lost Maxine—he would say she was a vision of loveliness. Her long dark hair, free from the chignon she swirled it into during working hours, was spread over the pillow. Her lips, slightly parted, were impossibly appealing. He remembered the taste of them from last night. The wickedly sensual effect

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