Serenity Valley
wonderful thing I have ever
    Beaming with pride, she said, “Thank
you, my lord, you are much too kind.”
    “Nonsense, girl, this is amazing. We
will have to eat in the mess hall more often.”
    Similar compliments ensued from Lady
Bella and Sayer. Basilea was embarrassed to the point of blushing a
perfect rosy hue. A sudden loud crash was heard from the opposite
end of the hall. People were yelling. I could hear the sound of
running footsteps and curses.
    At the end of the hall stood Demon,
where a long table had been moments ago. Demon was posed in his
arrogant stately stance, and was searching the hall with his eyes.
When he spotted me, he began running up the aisle, Mildred right on
his tail. There was no room for the big mare in the aisle, so
people were climbing on top of the tables and jumping to the side
as Mildred flipped tables and benches in her quest to stay with the
colt. Food and furniture were flying through the air as people ran
for safety. The sounds of cursing and screaming, along with the
crashing furniture and shattering dinnerware, filled the hall.
Demon stopped next to me and let out a loud bellow. Everyone stared
with mouths open and eyes the size of plates. In obvious discomfort
from the confined space, Mildred held her place behind the rebel
    “Oh, no, Demon. What have you done?” I
looked around and was surprised to see smiles from everyone at the
table but Fulk, who was shaking his head in disbelief.
    Fina, the kitchen supervisor, appeared
next to the table and started yelling at me. “Rogue Boy, get your
beasts out of my hall. NOW!!”
    By now, everyone at the
table was laughing, except for Fulk, who was still shaking his
head. I stammered, “Of course, my lady, quickly, my lady, sorry,
sorry, my lady!” Sure have been using that
word a lot since the colt was born, I
    I quickly turned the colt and started
him back the way he came, trying to avoid Mildred overturning more
furniture. Demon stopped for a moment, bent down, and picked up a
whole loaf of Basilea’s heavenly bread, then continued trotting
behind me. Mildred left a widening path of destruction. I could
hear the lord comment, “I guess he came for the bread also!” from
behind me. The entire hall erupted in laughter. I turned hot with
embarrassment and quickened the pace for the door.
    Once outside, I looked at Demon
fiercely and said, “You know, Demon, you are really not a very nice
horse!” Demon whinnied and playfully shook his head up and down.
“And give me that bread!” Demon whinnied again and stretched his
head straight up so the bread was out of my reach. “All right,
then; it is the best bread in the world, can’t blame you on that
account.” Demon whinnied again.
    When we got back to his
stall, I found the gate lying on the ground, its hinges yanked from
the stall wall. “Okay,” I told him, “you stay here while I get some
tools.” I ran to the storage room for nails and hammer. When I
returned, I saw Demon had positioned himself at the table and had
his left hip resting on one of the casks. On the table was the loaf
of bread that he and Mildred were in the process of
destroying. Great, now he’s going to want
a table and chairs. “You know, Mildred, I
can understand him acting badly, but you are the mother. You should
know better and control him.” Mildred raised her head to attention
hearing her name, turned an eye to me for a moment, let her ears
relax to the point of drooping, then dropped her head and resumed
eating the bread scattered on the table. “So, I guess I can’t count
on you for any support, then.” Demon whinnied calmly and bobbed his
head up and down. “Are you happy?” I asked him. “You have already
corrupted her.” Demon pinned his ears back, then released them and
continued eating. When Fulk got there, the horses were in the stall
with Demon feeding. I was just finishing work on the hinges.
Without being told anything, Fulk went to fetch feed for

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