Into The Void (Vampire Hunter Book 4)

Free Into The Void (Vampire Hunter Book 4) by S.C. Reynolds

Book: Into The Void (Vampire Hunter Book 4) by S.C. Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.C. Reynolds
he freaks me out because he knows so much without ever being told,”
Henry replied.
    “What do you mean?” I asked.
    “I didn’t want to tell you, Rory,” he started.
    “Uh-oh. Tell me what?”
    “It’s nothing bad,” he said quickly. “I just felt weird about it. Or
embarrassed. Maybe a little of both.”
    “Even though Lucas thought you and I were safe from the twins, I couldn’t
shake this nagging worry that they were going to come kill us – or just our
families – to settle the score with Lucas,” Henry continued. “And they probably
have a vendetta against me now, too, since I staked one of them.”
    “It’s also crossed my mind,” I admitted. “Although not so much after I
found out the order to kill me was called off.”
    “ That made me feel better, but only slightly.
Anyway, I was just so sick and tired of sitting around feeling helpless, that I
decided to do something about it. I’m not dumb enough to think I can go find
the twins and kill them myself – and honestly I have no desire to even try that. But I realized there was
something else I could do. Magic. Spells. That kind of thing.” Henry paused.
    “Really?” I asked in surprise. Before
I approached Henry he was already thinking about casting spells?
    “I found someone online advertising a book they claimed would help you
cast any spell you could imagine. I figured it was a scam, but there was
nothing to lose except a little bit of money. So I called the guy and he
shipped the book to me.”
    “Can I see it?” I asked.
    Henry hesitated. “Maybe in a minute.”
    “Sorry,” I said. “I want to hear the rest of this. Have you tried any
spells from it?”
    “Yes, and I didn’t think it had worked after I got your text last night
that the twins were around.”
    “What was the spell for? Banish them from the city or something?”
    “No, better than that.” Henry grinned. “It was to turn them into
blubbering idiots any time they thought about you, me, or Lucas. If one of
those names popped into either of their heads, their thoughts were supposed to
immediately go cloudy and doing even simple things, like driving a car, would
seem like a monumental task. The cloudiness would pass after a few hours, but
if they got our names into their heads again, it would come back.”
    “That’s awesome! So basically thinking of us makes them stupid and they
can never come after us?”
    “That was the plan. I was hoping it was working – I really had no way to
test it, unless I tracked one of them down and got in his face.” Henry laughed.
“It was quite satisfying to cast that spell, to be completely honest.”
    “How did you do it?” I asked him.
    Henry shrugged. “It was so odd. I guess I can show you the book. I – I
just don’t want you to think I’m some weirdo.”
    “Henry, I would never think that! Why would you even say such a thing?” I
    “Because the entire book is in a different language – I have no idea what
language – but I can read it.” Henry was studying his hands when he spoke.
“Even I think I’m a freak.”
    “You’re talking to a reanimated corpse,” I joked, hoping I could make
Henry feel better. “Nothing you could say is going to make me think you’re a
    Henry looked relieved. “Thanks, Rory. I was scared to tell you. I guess
Emmett figured out I had a knack for this type of stuff?”
    “He must have,” I said vaguely. “So you’ll do it?”
    “Of course! It’s for a good cause, and to be honest, it’s kind of fun.”
    Not too much fun I hope, I
thought, picturing Henry reading from that giant book in the underground
meeting instead of his father.
    “I’m really glad you know now,” Henry was saying. “I can’t stand keeping
secrets from you.”
    “I don’t like keeping them from you, either,” I admitted. But there’s still one secret that’s
necessary to keep.
    “Let me read up to find the spell we need, then maybe we can all convene
later this week?

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