Dear Rose 2: Winter's Dare

Free Dear Rose 2: Winter's Dare by Mechele Armstrong

Book: Dear Rose 2: Winter's Dare by Mechele Armstrong Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mechele Armstrong
Tags: Erotic Contemporary
he’d gotten when he was twelve. His tight abs that were so fun to kiss but less fun to tickle. He had nowhere to grab—everything was too tight. And of course, her eyes settled on his cock. That thick, long part of him that bought her so much pleasure. That always seemed to want her and need her. How many times had he rubbed it against her, making her crazy with need even when they couldn’t have sex? Once at a concert where he’d brushed up against her bottom all night long, letting her feel him. They couldn’t do anything about it for hours.
    And when they did finally have sex, it had rocked. They’d practically ripped each other’s clothes off and had their wicked way with the other.
    Tucker didn’t say a word, didn’t push her, but sat there the whole time that she looked him over. Waiting just like he’d said he would. He clenched and unclenched his hands as though he wanted to move them from where they were, but couldn’t. He was bound by his word.
    She stepped back a second before moving closer to him again. She leaned over him, her boobs hanging down, perky but still swinging a little in front of her. She watched his face, his eyes moving to keep his gaze with her breasts. Surprisingly Tucker wasn’t a breast man. It was legs that got him going. But he was an opportunist, and this was the view at hand. “Spread your legs. And look into my eyes.” She wanted to see his face while she took him. What power he had given her.
    He nodded, and he did shift his gaze to her face. He spread his legs as far as he could get them. Then he sat there, motionless, waiting for her move.
    She slowly descended to her knees in between his legs. It put her mouth at just the right height for his cock. Thank God for well-proportioned chairs. She gazed upon him again for a second. He reminded her of Thor. She’d learned about him in mythology. Lots of women went after Loki, the bad boy. She never had, always liked the strong, confident good guy. At least in her reading and watching materials.
    Tucker wasn’t a good guy. But he wasn’t Loki either. He was somewhere in between. And his cock showed his passion for her with every drip of precome. She could definitely see the drop of moisture at the tip this time. See how rouged his skin was. How engorged he was with his passion.
    All this was for her.
    Her power was infinite. That she could do this to this man who didn’t want to be affected by anyone was a miracle. It made her weak at the knees. She had those thoughts whenever he was hard for her.
    She shivered with the feel of her hands on his thighs, which she couldn’t fit her hands around. He was as thick as a tree trunk. His thighs weren’t smooth like hers either, and she liked the way his body differed from hers. He had hair that was rough, not to mention the muscles that sat just beneath the skin. They bunched under her fingertips. She could feel the strength beneath her touch, just waiting to be unleashed.
    She enjoyed her mastery of the situation. And she hadn’t even reached the biggest difference between them yet.
    He frowned and seemed to sit up straighter as he wiggled a little in the seat. But he didn’t comment, and he didn’t try to get away from her or break contact. He kept his hands behind his back.
    Maybe he would let her be in control this time? That was a wonder. And an elixir all at the same time. This could be quite an experience for them. Maybe even a life changer.
    Only it was all about sex.
    She shifted her hands up, going to reward him for doing what he said he would. She owed him that much. Needed to pay her debt to him and give him pleasure. That would make her enjoyment. But it wasn’t complete, was it?
    His breath hitched as he seemed to sense the change in the direction of her touch. He seemed to know where she might be going with this. And liked it.
    Just what she enjoyed. So she banished any other thoughts than bringing him delight. That would be her focus.
    She found her target and

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