First Crush (Dark Falkon #1)

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Book: First Crush (Dark Falkon #1) by J.O Mantel Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.O Mantel
yourself and tell Ivy exactly how you feel.”
    Jake couldn’t help but laugh slightly. Even though Sienna was completely off course, he was kind of glad, relieved even, that she had no idea how he felt about her.
    “Huh? Sorry, what?”
    “Ivy! Why don’t you tell her how you feel about her?”
    “There’s nothing to tell, we’ve been over this already. Ivy and I have had a talk and she knows where things stand between us.”
    “Do you?” Sienna asked, taking a bite of the carrot that she had taken out of the fridge.
    “What’s that supposed to mean?”
    “Oh come on, Jake. Look at the signs. If that was Ivy with another guy, you probably would have decked him the first chance you got.” She walked around and stood in front of him, the two of them just staring at one another.
    “Look why don’t you take her out, go to dinner or something, a movie, anything. Just the two of you. I know she’d appreciate your company”
    “But I already told you, Sienna, there’s nothing between Ivy and I, we’re just friends.”
    “Then there shouldn’t be a problem with ‘friends’ going to the movies together, should there?”
    “You’re not going to drop this are you?”
    “If I agree to go to the movies with her as ‘friends’, will you be happy?”
    “No, but it’s a start.”
    “Ok, FINE!”
    Sienna clapped her hands in excitement, she leaned forward and hugged Jake, “Oh and you’re forgiven, just promise me you’ll at least try to have good time.”
    Jake was silent.
    “Ok, Ok. I promise.”
    Sienna kissed him on the cheek and turned towards her room.
    “Goodnight,” she said, shutting the door behind her.
    “Night,” Jake whispered, as he picked up his bag and headed to his own room.
    Throwing the bag on the floor, he pulled off his top and pants. He lay on the floor on his stomach and began his one armed push-ups.
    After finishing his exercises, he grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom. He stared at his reflection in the mirror for ages, not saying a word as he watched the sweat pour from his face.
    “You fucking pussy!” he finally said.

The weekend arrived much quicker than Jake would have liked. Although he had promised Sienna that he would take Ivy to the movies, he knew that nothing would ever come of it. He finished getting ready and walked out into the living room.
    “You look great,” Sienna admired the casual brown jacket, white Tee and jeans he was wearing.
    “What time are you picking up Ivy?”
    “Oh, she's meeting me there actually,” he grabbed his keys and headed for the door.
    “You two have fun,” Sienna called, as Jake closed the door behind him.
    The cinema was crowded, there were people everywhere and the queue to the box office provided lengthy delays.
    Jake looked around for Ivy, but he couldn't find her anywhere amongst the crowd.
    “I'm at the box office, where are you?” he text. As he pressed send, he looked up and saw Ivy walking towards him.
    “Oh, hey! I just sent you a text,” sure enough, Ivy's phone beeped as she leaned in and kissed
    Jake on the cheek.
    “Sorry, have you been waiting long?”
    “No I just got here, actually.”
    “So, how are you?” Ivy asked.
    “Yeah, I'm good. You?”
    “Not too bad, I must admit, I was a little surprised when Sienna text me and told me that you'd agreed to come out with me on a Saturday night. I thought you might be at band practice or something.”
    Jake looked at her, even though he wasn't attracted to her, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she actually looked standing before him. Her hair was in a neat pony tail, she wore a long black dress, leather boots and a denim jacket. He could also smell her perfume.
    “Mariah Carey?”
    “What?” Ivy looked confused.
    “Your perfume, its Mariah Carey, isn't it?”
    Ivy smiled, “Wow, Jake! A man who knows his fragrances, I'm impressed.”
    “Have you forgotten that I live with a woman?

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