First Crush (Dark Falkon #1)

Free First Crush (Dark Falkon #1) by J.O Mantel

Book: First Crush (Dark Falkon #1) by J.O Mantel Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.O Mantel
her keys. “Thanks for walking me home.”
    “It's ok. Thanks for the talk, and thanks for not letting things get weird between us, you know, after everything that happened.”
    “Things were never weird, Jake. I guess I was just shocked more than anything, and I'll admit, a little disappointed. I guess I never really knew how much she meant to you, but I kind of get it. Look, just think about what I said. You and Sienna have been through too much to let something like this get between you. Just tell her how you feel.” She leaned forward and kissed Jake on the cheek; “I'll see you later.”
    She opened the door, and with one final wave, she walked inside. Jake continued walking home, slowly. He couldn't get what Ivy had just said out of his head. Maybe she was right, maybe he was thinking with his dick and not his head, and maybe that was half the problem. Pulling out his phone, he looked at the screen as he searched for Sienna's number.
    We need to talk, are you home? He text.
    He gulped, suddenly regretting what he had just done, hoping that Sienna was out and he wouldn't have to go through with it.
    Just got home, about to have a shower and dinner. I'll wait up for you.
    Jake swallowed hard, he continued his walk as he slowly approached their street. His head was full and his stomach was empty, and that was never a good combination because it always made him nervous.
    He had no choice, he had to go through with it. One way or another, Sienna was going to find out how Jake felt, tonight. Suddenly, he felt very sick in the pit of his stomach.
    Jake’s heart sank as he opened the door, Sienna was sitting on the sofa in her nightie watching TV. She turned and looked at him as he placed his bag down beside the sofa.
    “Hi,” Jake replied.
    “How was practice?”
    “Yeah, it was good actually. I think we might be ready to finally record the album soon.”
    “That’s great news. You must all be relieved. I guess that means you won’t be coming home as late anymore?” Sienna asked.
    “Not for a couple of months, no,” Jake replied as he sat down on the armchair next to her. His palms started to sweat and he started to feel very hot all of a sudden. He adjusted himself in the chair, Sienna turned and looked at him. She could see the sweat on his brow; “Are you alright?”
    “Yeah! Sorry, it’s just really warm in here, that’s all.”
    “Well, I can turn the air conditioning on if you want.”
    “No it’s fine seriously, I’ll be okay in a minute.”
    He swallowed and there was complete silence for a few seconds. Although, to Jake, it felt like an eternity as he sat there with his eyes wandering all over the room. Sienna turned off the television and sipped her coffee, she turned her full attention to Jake.
    “So, you wanted to speak to me?”
    He was kind of hoping that she had forgotten, but now it looked like he had to go through with it.
    “Yeah! Um…Sienna, you see…well I don’t exactly know the right way to tell you this.”
    Sienna continued to stare at Jake, at this point, she didn’t know whether to be intrigued or concerned.
    “You’ve known me long enough, Jake. Just tell me like it is, I’m a big girl, I can handle it.”
    He took a deep breath, stood up and began pacing the room.
    “Look, about what happened the other night-”
    “You mean, when you were a complete and total, prick?” Sienna interrupted.
    “Yes! I’m really sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”
    “I do,” Sienna replied.
    She stood up off the sofa and walked into the kitchen, washing out her mug.
    “It’s Ivy.”
    “What’s Ivy?” Jake asked, confused.
    “Ivy! I think deep down you might have feelings for her. When you saw Jesse and I the other night, those feelings just came to the surface. You reacted like that because you were jealous of what we have and you want that too and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, at all. I just think you need to stop kidding

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