Lady Rose's Education

Free Lady Rose's Education by Kate Milliner

Book: Lady Rose's Education by Kate Milliner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Milliner
    ”But, My Lady!” Norah said and blushed.
    ”Don't go thinking anything vulgar, Norah,” Lady Rose said sharply. ”I am only speaking of engaging in a small flirtation. Naturally I would not let it go further than that.”
    ”Either way, you should be wary of appearing too keen, My Lady. If a gentleman wants to get better acquainted, he will make his wishes known. Men are not known to shy away from showing their interest.”
    ”Aren't you knowledgeable all of a sudden,” Lady Rose said. ”Do you have plenty of experience with this area?”
    ”Of course not, My Lady,” Norah said. ”You asked for an opinion –”
    ”And I got one, thank you.”
    Lady Rose looked indignant, but then she softened again. ”I guess we can't think alike in everything.”
    The scandalous subject had to be buried for now, because there was a knock on the door and the Countess came in. She did not make a habit of coming to her daughter's room, so Lady Rose looked surprised and pulled her back very straight. Instinctively Norah followed her lead.
    ”I hope I am not disturbing,” the Countess said, ”but I have a present for you, Rose. I wanted to give it to you now so that you can wear it for the dinner.”
    She gave the parcel to Norah. It was packed in brown paper and tied with a pretty yellow ribbon. Norah understood that she was meant to open it.
    ”My maid has just picked it up from Mrs. Myrtle,” the Countess said. Mrs. Myrtle was the seamstress the family used. ”I believe she has outdone herself.”
    Norah carefully pulled open the ribbon, unwrapped the rustling paper and revealed the object. It was a corset.
    Lady Rose stared at the tortuously adorned thing.
    ”Do you not think it a little old-fashioned?” she asked mildly. She of course owned a few corsets, and they had had boning at the front and thin cords shaping the other seams. This one looked like a potent steamboat of a garment.
    ”Certainly not. I had it made for you,” her mother said triumphantly, ”as a preparation for your debutante season. We have time to remove at least two inches from your waist.” Norah was still holding the garment. She felt unable to put it down or to take it to the dressing room while it remained the object of conversation.
    ”Norah,” the Countess said, ”please help Lady Rose put it on.”
    Lady Rose closed her eyes briefly.
    ”Mother,” she said, ”Norah is doing my hair. Can I not try it on later?”
    ”I would very much like to see how it fits you,” the Countess said. ”Please do me the favour.”
    Lady Rose gave Norah a little nod. Norah unhappily pinned the separated sections of hair temporarily along the lady's scalp and removed the towel from her shoulders.
    ”A young lady's best assets are a pretty smile, a small waist and impeccable gloves,” the Countess said and flashed them both a charming smile. ”And these days no one will berate a lady, if she applies some coal in her eyes.”
    Lady Rose got up on her feet in her chemise and drawers and stood with her arms slightly spread out. Norah wrapped the corset around her and attached it at the front. As she started to pull at the lacing at the back to tighten it, Lady Rose breathed in and constricted herself in the middle. She could feel her soft flesh pushing out above and below the corset.
    ”How wonderful it looks,” the Countess said. ”Do you not think her waist looks infinitely smaller, Norah?”
    ”Yes, Your Ladyship,” Norah said and curtsied almost unnoticeably.
    Lady Rose threw an annoyed glance at her. ”Pull a little harder, Norah, I feel perfectly fine,” she said breathlessly.
    ”Norah,” the Countess said. ”I have been meaning to come and talk you. You and I need to work together and talk to your mistress. Lady Rose is still distressed after that horrible accident, and she cannot see her future clearly. She does not realize that whatever happens during this short period will determine the course of her whole life. We

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