Cursed by Diamonds (A Dance with Destiny Book 1)

Free Cursed by Diamonds (A Dance with Destiny Book 1) by JK Ensley, Jennifer Ensley

Book: Cursed by Diamonds (A Dance with Destiny Book 1) by JK Ensley, Jennifer Ensley Read Free Book Online
Authors: JK Ensley, Jennifer Ensley
    “Help me get her back to her house,” he said.
    “I-I’m okay now. A-all is well… I believe.”
    Jenevier’s mind was reeling from shock. She tried to slide from his arms, tried to stand on her own. She failed miserably.
    “Please, let me help you.” Deep concern was obvious in Alastyn’s strong voice, but an even deeper fear was growing in his heart. “I should not be able to sleep this night if I knew not how you fared.”
    “Gratitude, I will be forever in your debt.”
    She tried to manage a smile in return for his kindness. Instead, she simply gave in and laid her spinning head upon his shoulder.
    “No need for your gratefulness, Milady. The need is on my part alone.”
    “Apologies for not asking before,” she whispered. “Forgive me.”
    “Forgive you for what, Milady?”
    “Your name. I never asked. What’s your name?”
    She smiled. “Alastyn… I like it. It is an especially strong name. Did you know that? Ancient as an Olden, it is. Suits you well.” She gently fingered one of his long curls. “How is it you seem so resolute for one your age.”
    He snorted. “I’m not much younger than you, Jenevier. Not more than a couple months, I should think.”
    Jezreel smiled, teasingly. “And already such a man. Such a valiant gentleman, at that.”
    Alastyn looked at her in obvious confusion. He didn’t know for sure if she was being mean, or if she was simply trying to lighten the weight of the moment.
    “Don’t play with him so, Jezreel. I, for one, am truly grateful you were at my side this evening, Alastyn.”
    Jenevier managed to smile again, sweetly this time. Alastyn cleared his throat nervously. Just as they reached Marlise’s little cottage, she gently kissed his cheek.
    “Gratitude, sweet prince.”
    His face burned brightly. He tried to look away. And she found that endearing as well.
    “Now, let’s have a look at that hand,” Jezreel said whilst lighting a few candles.
    Jenevier had kept her aching right hand clasped firmly within her left. She was actually too terrified to look at it. Alastyn was on his knees in front of her when Jezreel returned with the candles. Gently, he took her clenched hands in his.
    She closed her eyes, turned her head, and ever so slowly, gave in.  When he carefully unclasped her tiny fingers, Jezreel gasped aloud at the scorched, blackened flesh now marring her dear friend.
    “Oh dear stars! How in the world did that happen?”
    Jenevier jerked her head around and stared in horror at her once fair skin. The gruesome black burn strangely resembled a twisted heart.
    “W-what is it?”
    “I know not,” Jezreel said. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”
    “I have,” Alastyn whispered.
    “You’ve seen this mark before?” Jenevier asked.
    Jezreel gasped again. “Mark? That’s what the old woman said—that you’d been marked.”
    All attention landed firmly upon Alastyn. Alastyn—the boy who now sat with his eyes closed, rocking back on his heels, lost within himself.
    “What is it?” Jezreel demanded. “Tell me. You said you’d seen it before. Where? Where have you seen this?”
    Jezreel was the one with the white hot temper and severe lack of patience during stressful situations. Jenevier tended to be on the stronger, more leveled side. But she was no calming saint by any stretch of the imagination. They fit well together.
    “I-I don’t know what it is exactly. A m-mark,” he stuttered.
    “A mark?” Jenevier felt nauseous and dizzy. “This much I already know.”
    “Where have you seen it?” Jezreel’s voice was rising with each word.
    Alastyn didn’t answer. He couldn’t. He was lost in horrible thought. Staring at Jenevier’s wounded little hand lying there in his, long forgotten memories began tormenting him anew.
    Jenevier’s gaze remained firmly fixed upon the young man, awaiting his response. She noticed once again his fair and beautiful features. He was almost… pretty. Long black

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