Make Me Believe: Unbelievable, Book 3

Free Make Me Believe: Unbelievable, Book 3 by Crystal Jordan

Book: Make Me Believe: Unbelievable, Book 3 by Crystal Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Jordan
right then, she couldn’t give a flying rat’s ass about shoulds .
    The way he touched her was gentle, as if he feared she might break, as if she were precious to him. Her heart stumbled at the thought, and she wasn’t sure if it was in longing or in terror.
    He broke his mouth from her, raining kisses over her face. “Have I told you today how beautiful you are?”
    “No.” A dart of mischief went through her, and she seized on that instead of all the other things she couldn’t handle right now. Avoidance was her friend. “I know something you’d think was even more beautiful.”
    That made him laugh. “Nothing is more beautiful than you.”
    “Oh, yeah?” She wiggled out of his arms and moved toward her dresser, knowing he stared at her ass the entire time, and loving it. He made it clear how much he wanted her, all the time. It was erotic having him watch her, made everything else fade from her mind. Desire swam through her, warmed her body from the inside out. Her nipples gathered into peaks, the lips of her pussy dampening with moisture. Yes, this was how she wanted it. This was how it should be. Not to avoid pain, but just for pleasure.
    She pulled something out of her dresser drawer and tossed it to him. His hand snapped out and caught it, then looked down at it. Evil anticipation twisted through her, and she just waited.
    After a moment, his entire body froze, then a shudder wracked him. He slowly held up a sheer teddy. “Holy shit.”
    “My normal lingerie is for myself. That kind of thing is for sleepovers.” She arched an eyebrow. “Should I get changed for bed?”
    As if they hadn’t been in bed for hours, but that was entirely beside the point.
    “Holy shit,” he said again. He looked up at her, his erection rising to impressive proportions, his mouth working for a long moment before he spoke. “So…you think I’ll think you’re even more beautiful wearing this?”
    The dazed look on his face made that wickedness dance through her again. “Yeah, Delacroix, that’s the idea. Try to keep up.”
    He blinked. Blinked again. Shook his head. “I would, but there’s no blood left in my brain.”
    She laughed. “Give it to me.”
    “I intend to. All night long, if you’re in this thing.” He held it up by the straps. It had a tie at the neck, in the back and one at each hip. The rest was see-through fishnet. He tossed it to her, crossed his arms, and waited, clearly intent on watching her change into the racy getup.
    A flush of heat went through her, half-bashfulness, half-arousal. She set the teddy on the end of the bed—her pulse sped, and she’d never been so aware of a man’s gaze moving over her. She pulled the top tie of the teddy over her head, reached behind her to fasten the one in the back, then did the same for those at her hips. A shiver went through her as the fishnet rubbed against her breasts, making her nipples harden to painful points.
    Lust whipped through her, liquified her core. The fact that he could see everything through the lingerie made her feel more naked than when she had no clothes on. She offered him the bravest smile she could muster. “All night long, huh? Prove it.”
    The green fire in his eyes was enough to burn her, but he hesitated. “Are you sure this is what you want tonight?”
    She had to respect that he asked, considering what she was wearing and that she could see the rigid proof of his arousal. “I don’t want to think about the past, just the now. Distract me, Mason. All night, if you can.”
    “I can. I will.” He grinned then, slow and full of naughty promise. “Come here.”
    “You come here.” Shaking her head, she beckoned to him. He didn’t hesitate, rolling to his feet to move toward her.
    All those hard muscles bunched and rippled, his cock jutting upward. She loved looking at him. And he looked at her too. His gaze traveled up from her feet to her bare legs. He paused at the thatch of hair between her thighs and lingered on

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