Sudden Recall

Free Sudden Recall by Lisa Phillips

Book: Sudden Recall by Lisa Phillips Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Phillips
asked him to get an address. It wouldn’t be fast—it could even be days—but Parker would take whatever he could get.
    The picture of Sienna and the little boy was gone. She must have taken it into the bedroom with her. Parker’s heart clenched. He couldn’t imagine how she felt, wondering if there was someone she was supposed to be missing, someone she was supposed to love, but who she couldn’t remember at all.
    He glanced at the photos on his dresser. His collection—like he figured was true of Sienna’s—represented the pieces of his past he wanted to carry with him. His first SEAL team, all in a huddle, sweaty after a rough-and-tumble football game in some desert country. Playing pool on a ship. Going for a run in Alaska in their shorts for the fun of it.
    Those men were his family. Older guys retired, like Parker had, when they found themselves slowing down. It was necessary to put the mission first for the last time in their careers. Others had been killed or injured. A few lived close enough that he hung out with them sometimes. Every picture held meaning.
    He thumbed his phone, but there were no new texts or calls. Didn’t Nina want to give him her number in case he needed to call her? Evidently that was a one-way street. But he did have Karen’s number and the landline at Sienna’s house. He’d looked that up at work.
    Parker sat on the edge of his bed and dialed. He just couldn’t rest until he knew more. Despite what he’d told Sienna about waiting until the morning, he needed a plan before he could sleep.
    Karen’s voice was groggy when she picked up the phone. “Yes?”
    â€œIt’s Parker.”
    Rustling. “Is she okay?”
    â€œShe’s sleeping.”
    â€œThen what do you want?”
    He didn’t care for her attitude. He was determined to get what he needed to help Sienna. “I want to know what her last mission was.”
    â€œThat’s classified.”
    â€œWhat do you need that she doesn’t remember?”
    â€œAlso classified.”
    Parker fisted his free hand on his knee. “Do you want them to torture it out of her?”
    â€œOf course not.”
    â€œThen tell me what I’m looking for. What is it they want?”
    Karen sighed. “A PIN-coded flash drive.”
    â€œAnd Sienna knows where it is, somewhere in her memory?”
    â€œYes. Before she nearly died, she hid the flash drive. We have no idea where. There was a time crunch, and she didn’t have time to call in. We need that flash drive back. It cannot fall into the wrong hands. That outcome is unacceptable. This is highly sensitive information.” Karen paused, breathing hard. “ Highly sensitive.”
    â€œOkay. Get the flash drive, don’t give it to anyone else. Got it.”
    â€œAnd if she doesn’t remember?”
    Parker shrugged, even though she couldn’t see it. “I’ll keep her safe from them until she does.” He paused. “I take it these are big players.”
    â€œThe biggest.”
    He had to know his enemy in order to outthink them. “And you’re going to send me everything you have on them?”
    â€œNot on your life.”
    â€œSo I’m supposed to do this blind?”
    â€œI’m sure you can handle it.”
    Parker was sure he could deal with armed assailants. It was the handling of Sienna that he was worried about. Her memories could come back in pieces, or all in one go or not at all. They couldn’t control it, or predict what would happen. No amount of pressure would help her remember.
    â€œOh, and one more thing.”
    â€œWhat’s that?” Karen couldn’t think that he was going to give her much of anything if she wasn’t prepared to give him even basic information.
    â€œAs soon as she contacts you I want a location on Nina Holmes. She needs to be brought in.”

    S ienna’s night had provided

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