Children of the Gods - A Chosen Novel
    When I woke, Griff was gone and the room was
dark. The only light came from the doorway to the wash room.
Quietly, I padded to the edge of the doorway and watched as Jaxson
    “You were sleeping so peacefully I did not
want to wake you. Your dinner is on the bureau.” He did not turn to
face me when he spoke.
    “How long did I sleep?” It felt like I had
only closed my eyes for minutes and it left me feeling off
    “It is almost bed time.” He still did not
turn. Alarmed, I walked across the room and knelt next to the tub
facing him.
    “Is something the matter?” I asked.
    He touched the hand I had absently placed on
his shoulder. “Not now that you are awake.” His voice was deeper,
husky sounding.
    “What is it?”
    “You would not wake up.” He looked and
sounded like a frightened child. I could not help my reaction, nor
did I want to. I was not going to change who I was to fit into
their mold.
    I crawled into the tub, dress and all, and
sat in his arms. He held me tight, tighter than ever before. And
for the moment I did not care who he was, or who I was for that
matter. There was only his skin and his fear blending with my skin
and my fear; common in allies and in foes.
    I did not object in the morning when Griff
met Jaxson at the door and took his place in the chair that
    “You look better this morning.”
    “Yes, half a day asleep will leave anyone
feeling well rested.”
    “More rest on the agenda today?”
    I shook my head. “No, I think I have done
enough lying around. I feel like stretching my legs today.”
    He eyed me with interest. “Swimming?”
    Shaking my head, I flicked my hand toward the
wash room. “Go, I need to change.”
    As I dressed in the tight man pants and
bodice, I realized I was growing fond of the way they made me feel.
I felt confident in them, like they were a second more durable
skin. That is what I would need if I was to endure what I had
    “I want you to teach me to fight,” I said
when Griff re-entered the room.
    “What?” There was horror in his usually calm
    “You heard me. I do not want to feel so
    “Helpless? You seem to hold your own pretty
well.” He chuckled.
    “Only when I am angry and not with any skill.
Teach me.”
    “Jaxson will not approve.” He shook his head
as if that ended the conversation.
    “Then we will not tell him. He cannot say no
if we do not ask him for permission.” I saw defeat in his eyes. I
jumped and clapped my hands together.
    “You are worse than a child, more trouble
than one too.” He did not mean it. His face reflected some of my
own excitement.
    It was hard to sit through breakfast.
Watching everyone eat and talk made restless, especially Duester,
who met my stares several times. I wanted to begin training, so
that, should the occasion arise, I would be able to back up my new
sense of authority.
    In my bones, I felt the situation was going
to arise, and sooner than I might be prepared for. “Where can we
train?” I asked without breaking Duester’s gaze. The malevolent
look in her eye caused a shiver of fear which then gave way to
    “I know a place. We will talk after
breakfast,” Griff said.
    I had to try not to skip as we left the
dining room.
    “Could you tone it down? I feel guilty enough
as it is.”
    I could see he really did. If it was not so
important, I would let him off the hook. Betrayal was not in his
nature. It was not in mine either, but that is what it felt like
and I was forcing his involvement.
    Everything I did in this place made me feel
like a villain. The only thing that ever felt right was being kind
to Jaxson, and that was the one thing that should feel wrong.
    “Ready?” Griff asked again.
    “If you keep asking me in that tone, I am not
sure I will be able to say yes.”
    He grinned.
    “I am not giving up, Griff!” Though my aching
ribs disagreed with my comment. I widened

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