Children of the Gods - A Chosen Novel
could not look away. His pupils grew until they swallowed up all
the color. My breathing steadied and my muscles all relaxed without
my consent.
    Jaxson stood and followed Griff into the
hallway. “I will be right back,” he said as the wall closed,
freeing me of his presence.
    It is amazing what a difference one day can
make. Just the day before, his words would have brought me comfort.
Instead they only reminded me of the man he was in the dream. I
understood why Anaya felt the need to leave their home, and why she
blamed Jaxson for it.
    Both Jaxson and Griff returned through the
wall. Jaxson came over and kneeled next to the bed.
    “I have to go. After yesterday’s absence,
staying would be unwise.” He pressed a soft kiss to my lips. It was
delicate, as if he expected me to crumble under his touch.
    “Griff will be staying with you today to make
sure you are safe, and in case you need anything.”
    I watched him but did not speak. I did not
want to have to explain the dream, and as long as he was not
pressing, I would accept Griff’s presence.
    “I will come back to check on you. We can go
to lunch together.”
    “I would like that.”
    His responding smile lit up his whole face,
wiping away the fear I had not noticed until then.
    You might think that I would be grateful to
Anaya for reminding me that it was the enemy I slept with, but in
that moment, I hated her the most.
    After what I had experienced in the dream, I
could not fault her for hating him. It was clear he loved her, and
would do anything to keep her with him. But he never pretended to
be something he was not. The same could not be said for Anaya, or
    If I was to be trapped here in this situation
for twenty plus years, the illusion of happiness and love would
have made it endurable. She destroyed that illusion. I was unsure
how I would even survive a day at this point, let alone a
    Her hate for him was so strong, she was
willing to destroy anyone to hurt him. Which in my mind, made her
the worst of all.
    Jaxson kissed my forehead, then joined Griff
across the room. They spoke in whispers. Griff shook his head a few
times, his eyes locked on mine. I got the distinct impression he
was searching them for something, like he had when they first let
me out of the restraints.
    Jaxson pressed a hand to the wall, and though
I should be used to such things, I was amazed as a chair grew up
out of the floor.
    “I will send breakfast down so you can rest.
If you need anything, Griff will get it for you.”
    “All this fuss is not necessary. I am sure
Griff has more important things to do.”
    Jaxson’s expression turned very serious.
“There is nothing more important than making sure you are safe and
cared for.”
    “You are too good to me.”
    He smiled, but it was the false kind that
told me he was too worried to be happy. He turned to go, and I knew
I could say something to make the smile genuine. Instead, I watched
him disappear through the closing hole.
    “You know, there is nothing he would not do
for you.” Griff’s voice startled me. I turned my attention to him.
“If you had asked him to stay, he would have.”
    “I know. I do not want to add to his
    “You are the only thing that makes those
burdens bearable.”
    And somehow I became the one who was the
monster again.
    “Most of his burdens are because of me.” And
by me, I meant Anaya. I rolled over and covered my head.
    I awoke to gentle rocking and the familiar
scent I associated with Jaxson. For a minute I forgot it was no
longer supposed to be a pleasant odor. When I opened my eyes, my
hands were already twined in his hair.
    “We have company, Love.” He grinned but his
face was flushed.
    I blushed and pulled away. “Sorry.”
    Griff rose and opened the wall. “I will be
outside.” He winked and disappeared through the hole.
    Jaxson pulled a pale blue slip dress from the
bureau and returned. I raised my hands and he slipped it over my
head. He pressed

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