The Outlaws: Sam

Free The Outlaws: Sam by Ten Talents Press

Book: The Outlaws: Sam by Ten Talents Press Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ten Talents Press
Tags: Romance, Western, cowboy, western romance
together one day; you won't
even miss Andy."
    Not miss Andy? Lacey's eyes glared defiance.
"You're wrong, Taylor. No matter how many children we have, Andy
will always be a part of me. I really must go."
    "Very well. I hope I eased your mind about
Gentry. He's trying to poison you against me, that's why he accused
me of wrongdoing."
    At this point Lacey wasn't sure about
anything; Taylor sounded so sincere. Should she believe a man who
professed to love her and had helped her after Uncle Hob's death or
the man who hated and mistrusted her her? Suddenly her placid life
was mired in conflict. Nothing was the same since Sam Gentry showed
up on her doorstep.
    "I have a lot to contend with right now,
Taylor. Forgive me for accusing you unjustly."
    Taylor gave her a smile that belied the anger
seething inside him. "I'll come out to the ranch tomorrow."
    "No. Please don't. Not until things are
resolved between me and Sam. There is too much animosity between
the two of you."
    Cramer had assumed his men had taken care of
that saddle tramp for good. He'd been stunned to learn that Gentry
had only been wounded. He paid his men top wages and expected
results. Now he'd have to approach this in a different way. Another
attempt on Gentry's life would throw more suspicion on him and that
was something he couldn't afford if he was to win Lacey and her
    "Very well, my dear, but I'm not going to let
Gentry get away with this. He doesn't frighten me. I won't let him
keep us from being together."
    Taylor watched Lacey ride away in silent
fury. His last words had produced nothing but a nod from her. She
was becoming too involved with her husband and it didn't bode well
for him and his plans.
    Lacey marched directly to Sam's room the
moment she returned home. She found him sitting up in bed, eating
the lunch Rita had prepared for him.
    "Where were you?" Sam asked sourly. "You were
gone a long time."
    "I went to call on Taylor Cramer."
    "You what! After I told you to keep away from
him?" His eyes narrowed. "Did you consult with him on the ways to
bring about my demise? The last attempt didn't work, what have you
two devised next for me?"
    "I had nothing to do with your shooting and
neither did Taylor," Lacey defended.
    "Likely story," Sam muttered.
    Lacey blanched. "You must hate me a great
deal. Do you truly think I'm capable of murder?"
    "My murder," he said beneath his breath.
    Lacey's cheeks flamed. She wasn't really
surprised at Sam's refusal to trust her. He'd refused to believe
she hadn't betrayed him, so why should be believe her now? "Put
your mind at ease, Sam. I don't want you dead. I just want you to
leave me and Andy alone."
    "So you can marry Cramer and live happily
ever after," Sam shot back.
    His outburst must have caused him pain for he
grasped his head and moaned. Lacey was immediately contrite.
"You're in pain."
    "I've had a headache since that blasted
bullet plowed a groove in my head."
    "Let me take a look," Lacey offered. "That
bandage should be changed."
    "Leave it," Sam growled when she reached over
to loosen the bandage.
    "Nonsense," Lacey said crisply. "Don't be
such a baby. I'm not going to hurt you."
    Deftly she removed the blood-soaked bandage
and inspected the wound. "The bleeding has stopped. I'll spread
more salve on it and replace the soiled bandage with another. I'll
be right back with salve and clean cloths."
    Sam watched Lacey leave with less than
charitable thoughts. Despite her protests of innocence, he didn't
know what to believe. Lacey would certainly benefit from his death.
It would free her to marry Taylor Cramer. But did he actually think
her capable of conspiring with Cramer to murder him? Despite his
earlier words, he couldn't quite bring himself to believe Lacey
would resort to murder.
    A noise at the door caught Sam's attention
and he turned his head carefully in that direction. Andy stood in
the doorway, staring at him uncertainly.
    "Mama said I shouldn't bother you."
    Sam waved him forward.

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