Tempt Me

Free Tempt Me by R. G. Alexander

Book: Tempt Me by R. G. Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. G. Alexander
shadows at bay.


    ANGELIQUE STIRRED HER SODA ABSENTLY WITH A STRAW, lost in thought. The soulful jazz singer that was playing piano on the stage behind her seemed to have her number. She’d always loved this bar. It was small and cozy, and the musicians never disappointed. Almost never. Tonight, however, the headliner was singing one song after another about the man she couldn’t get out of her mind, the man who got away, or the man who didn’t know she existed in the first place.
    The man who kissed her against a tree, made her come, and then disappeared.
    Okay, that wasn’t a song, but it should be. Maybe she should suggest it.
    It had been five days, nearly six, since she’d seen him. She was trying to be patient, but it was harder than that month she’d attempted giving up chocolate. And she really loved chocolate.
    After her talk with Bethany last week, she’d decided to take a few days to cool off. To take in what had happened between her and Gabriel. Try to piece together what she’d learned.
    She’d wanted him to notice her. And boy, had he ever. The effect had been earthshaking.
    Chasing after Gabriel was more than a challenge. The way he made her feel, it could be downright dangerous. Partly because the man was obviously struggling through something more complicated than simple lust. After what she’d heard, she could hardly blame him for his attitude. She’d probably be pissed off at the world, too, if she’d grown up the way he had.
    And still she wanted him.
    A small—okay, large—part of her had been hoping he would come to her apartment and demand they finish what they’d started the other night. The way he did each night in her dreams.
    She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Just thinking about what he’d done to her in those dreams made her body heat. Sent a fine tremor along her limbs. She was no prude, but she’d had no idea her imagination was that inventive. Why was she so drawn to him?
    Angelique looked up at the sound of the deep, male voice. A man with bruises along his jaw and bloodshot eyes was standing at the bar beside her. He was massive. Taller and broader than her brother, and that was saying something. His skin was flushed and his lips had a cruel, knowing curve. When the bartender set a glass in front of him, he pushed it away. “Bring the bottle.”
    She squirmed. One of those. She glanced back down at her drink, hoping he’d take the hint.
    He didn’t. “You mooning over a man, girl? You should join me for a drink. It dulls the pain.”
    “No, thank you.” Please go away, she shouted mentally. The last thing she needed was to spend the evening dodging a drunk’s advances. Especially one who felt so . . . violent. Off-putting.
    “He isn’t worth it. I can tell. You are too young and pretty to take on someone else’s troubles and make them your own.”
    The female echo of, “Geaux Tigers!” made Angelique beam with relief. She twirled around on her barstool to face the two women beaming behind her. They were finally here.
    She stood and shrugged at the man. “Thanks, but I already have a date.”
    Her friends spread their arms wide, pulling her in for a hug, and she laughed. She’d missed them more than she’d realized.
    “You made it.”
    “Hello? Remember us? ‘Kelly and Ive, always come, never leave’? Did you think we wouldn’t find a way to get here? Especially after those last few e-mails. So mysterious.”
    Ive grinned at Kelly’s words, nodding. “Exactly. We both read your sister-in-law’s book, by the way. Woo, bebe , was it good . Every last filthy, raunchy page. Now we’re dying of curiosity. Is he real? Or have you been pulling our legs?”
    Angelique guided them to an open table in the back, ignoring the chuckling bartender who’d overheard them. She could only hope they hadn’t given that strange man any ideas. “Shh, yes, he’s real. And very married to a fantastic woman.”
    Kelly slid into the small

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