Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series)

Free Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) by Robin Keahey

Book: Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) by Robin Keahey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Keahey
over and over that I love you. You are
who I want to be with forever. Please let me make love to you. Please give me
this part of you, and then I’ll know you love me as much as I love you.”
         A tear rolled
down my cheek, and I shook my head. “I do love you, but I can’t give you want
you want. I’m sorry.”
     He released my
face, and with a look of complete surrender simply said, “I understand.” He sat
up and added, “Come on, I better get you home.”
     With wide eyes and
a sick feeling in my gut, I sat up and clutched his arm tightly. “Wh-why are
you taking me home? My curfew is still two hours away,” I stammered, trying to
hold back the flood of tears threatening to break free.
     He pried my hand
from his arm before sliding off the bed and moving to the door. “I don’t want
you here, Katie. We’re over. You don’t love me enough, and I know that now.”
         I stood and
swayed, weak-kneed as the shock of his words took hold. My voice was barely a
whisper as I tried to clarify what he had said. “What? That’s it? I won’t have
sex with you, so now it’s over?”
    He simply nodded his
head, his green eyes never leaving my face. His expression remained cool, as if
none of this mattered to him. I could no longer hold back the rush of emotion
as it swept over me, and I began to sob. He continued to stare at me, seemingly
unmoved by the outpouring of my heart. What happened to the Seth that said
he loved me, and gave me a beautiful necklace only a short time ago?   This
had been the best two months of my life. I couldn’t let Seth go. I loved him. The
conversation I’d had with JT flashed through my mind- he’d been right. Seth
wouldn’t stick around if I continued to make him wait. If I wanted to keep him,
I had to do whatever it took, but was it worth that?
         “Seth...” I
began but he stepped in front of me and reaching up with both hands, unclasped
my necklace. I gasped and stumbled back onto the bed. He held his hand out,
dropping the necklace to the floor with a thud, and I lost it. I sobbed harder
and wrapped myself into a ball, my knees against my chest.
     “Please don’t do
this. Don’t break my heart,” I choked out through my tears, my voice muffled by
my knees.
    “Do you love me,
Katie?” I heard him ask for the third and what I knew would be the final time.
     I looked up into
his cold face and slowly nodded my head.
     “Then take off your
clothes,” he demanded.
     I closed my eyes
and thought of my promise to God that I was about to break. I knew this wasn’t
right, but I loved Seth and this was what he wanted. I slowly undressed, unable
to suppress the shake in my hands as he stood over me, watching my every move.
After I was stripped bare, I curled myself into a ball once again, my face
turned away from Seth. I couldn’t bear to look at him. The sobs had stopped but
silent tears continued to fall. He swept my hair over my shoulder and clasped
the necklace on me once again. The presence of it around my neck felt like a
disgrace to me now.
    He kissed the top of
my head and whispered, “Look at me.” I turned to him, meeting his gaze. “I love
you. You don’t know how much this means to me.” I couldn’t speak. All I could
do was cry.
     That night, on our
two month anniversary, Seth showed me how much he loved me, and it was the
worst night of my life.
    Seth had held my
hand the whole way home and told me how much he loved me, how special the night
was and how now, I was completely his. I had to swallow down the bile that had crept
up my throat. My head was spinning, and I was in pain. In my wildest dreams, I
never thought my first time would leave me feeling like this. I had always
imagined it would be a beautiful thing I shared with my husband on our wedding
night. I was tainted now. I ruined everything by giving into Seth but even
after everything he said and did, I still loved him. He owned my heart and now,
he owned my body too. He

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