Attraction  (Love & War, Part I)
    “News isn't
what I want to catch up on. I'll leave the door on the latch,
because I'll be waiting for you in the bath.”
    “In the bath?
What a hot invitation! I'll be there in fifteen.”
    “Make it ten,
I'm very, very horny.”
    She clicked
off the line.
    “How well
timed and convenient,” he murmured to himself.
    A long and
wild session in CJ's bath was just what he needed to temporarily
relieve his growing frustration over Nikki.
    He informed
Adrian of his change of plans. “Take me to CJ's, please. Get there
asap. And I expect I'll be late tonight, so I'll get a taxi
    “ Oh, for God's sake, Ash, ” Adrian said, continuing with
the tone he didn't care for. “How many women do you fucking well
    He ignored his
outburst. Adrian was being very unreasonable, illogical and
completely shitty tonight. Only a few hours ago he was suggesting
he took up with CJ and now he was actually visiting her, it was
somehow out of order. Ashton knew he was wound up over Nicole, and
that was affecting his mood and concentration. But the whole affair
was ridiculous. He'd have to speak frankly with Adrian tomorrow,
before they collected her. He wasn't having this kind of behaviour
on display on the trip to Paris. It was disrespectful and downright
    Ashton kicked
back and relaxed as they travelled to Chelsea Embankment. He'd been
a visitor there, on and off, for the past seven years. CJ and Ash
fucked each other. Pure and simple. But his feelings for her were
rather more complex. He knew he shouldn't see her anymore after
what had happened, but she was like a drug he couldn't seem to do
without. Not that he got his fix very often, as her work took her
out of the country for weeks at a time. She was much in demand on
the modelling circuit. When she wasn't working or seeing anyone,
they got together.
    Adrian pulled
up outside her house, unlocked and opened the car door for him
resentfully. Ashton stood opposite him and bade him a cool
Adrian. Nine thirty tomorrow.”
whatever you say, boss, ” he replied, sulkily.

    Adrian pulled
away from CJ's with a wild rage brewing inside him. Ashton made him
so angry at times. As far as bosses were concerned he was a good
one. A generous and fair one. As a friend he was reliable and
honest to a fault. Although they were very different personalities,
they rubbed along fine. But one aspect of Ashton's character pissed
him off big time. His attitude towards women. He treated them like
dirt. Especially CJ. He used CJ mercilessly. She was always calling
him and begging him to come over. It was true, he didn't understand
their past, and he knew they had had one, but why she continued to
pursue Ashton was beyond him. It was like flogging a dead
    Adrian had a
soft spot for CJ, but she was way out of his league.
    And now Ashton
was after Nicole, a woman Adrian had a severe case of the hots for.
Seeing her all dressed up and sassy tonight had set his pulse
rocketing. He'd seen Ash manhandle her in the car. That was just so
him. Controlling and dominating. Why the hell women went for it he
really didn't know. Ash wasn't a romantic. He was just a smooth
operator and dark minded. He pounced, like a stalking panther out
for a kill.
    He was
completely sexual in his motivation. That wasn't the way Adrian
worked. He was a born romantic. He liked to treat women right. To
give them presents, to appreciate them and to get to know them. He
wasn't a player at heart. He may have had a wild few years in his
youth, but it wasn't in his nature to use women for a quick
    Ash was the
ultimate player and with his money, his looks and high status in
society, he could afford to play the game however he wanted. And
there was a never ending supply of women waiting and willing to be
played with.
    Adrian parked
the car in Ashton's basement and went over his usual premises
checks quickly. Then he crossed the street to his own place. He

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