Attraction  (Love & War, Part I)
his hot scale pretty damn fast. Could any woman have a sexier
pet name?
    He leaned his
elbow on the table, his chin resting on his fist, as he looked at
    She put the
glass down carefully and slowly tucked her hair behind her ear. He
still didn't know why he was reacting so strongly to her, but he
was mesmerised by every movement she made.
    He cleared his
throat to remove the sudden tightness that seemed to have formed
    “ I'm looking forward to the flight tomorrow, I've never been
in a private jet before,” she murmured.
    “ Not many people have,” he pointed out.
    “ I was wondering, if you'd let me watch you fly
    “ We may have to forcibly remove Adrian from the cockpit, but I
expect he'll allow you a few minutes. Are you interested in jets
    “ I'm very interested in what goes on in the pilot's seat.” Her
face erupted in a genuine smile.
    “ I'll be sure to guide you through it.”
    He was having
a wildly erotic vision of a mile high session with her, while
piloting the Cessna at 500 mph. He hadn't ever indulged that little
fantasy of his. Maybe sometime in the near future he would.
    “ That will be something to look forward to,” she said with a sweet smile.
    Although she
was keeping her cool, on the surface, he could see from her body
language she was nervous and more than excited to be sitting here
with him. He'd like to take advantage of that nervous excitement.
But she wasn't ready for him yet. It would have to wait. He'd give
her a three or four days and she would submit to him, more than
willingly. He'd place money on it.

    It wasn't
every day a millionaire invited her out for dinner and she was
making the most of it. He was extremely pleasant, restrained, and
very polite company, but she could see from his eyes that she'd
stirred him up. She assumed he was going to pursue her until he got
what he wanted. But she had plans of her own; to deny him that
pleasure. That should be a new experience for him. Besides, she was
far more interested in Adrian. He was real, and genuinely
interested in her. She may only be looking for some casual dates
right now, but there was casual and casual. She didn't want to be
one of Ashton's many faceless conquests.
    “ This is it, just here, thank you, Adrian,” she said, as they
arrived at her address.
    She turned to
Ashton. “It's been a lovely evening, thank you for the dinner.”
    “ My pleasure. I'll pick you up here, tomorrow morning, at
10.30. I'll send you a message when I arrive.”
    Adrian left
the car and started to walk around the other side to let her
    She turned
towards Ashton, her hand on his arm, and sat on the edge of the
seat to say goodbye.
    “ Goodnight, Ash .”
    But she got a
surprising reaction to her simple parting words as his hand gripped
her head tightly in the back of her hair and he twisted her face
around to his, with a sharp tug. Her whole being caught fire as his
lips brushed hers and he nipped her lower lip lightly with his
teeth. Tremors of wild excitement rushed through her body.
    “ Oh...” The word left her mouth on a gasp. She felt
    As the door
opened, he pulled back and looked into her shocked eyes.
    “ Goodnight, Nikki .”
    She made her
escape, mouthing “call me” to Adrian, as she fled the scene. Her
chest was heaving and her heart pounding wildly. She needed to be
so careful around this man. Despite the fact she didn't like him
very much, her body betrayed her. It lit up like a torch in his
    Ash sat back
with a smile on his face. Revision to seduction plan. Not three or
four days, two days, max.
    His phone
beeped with a call. He picked it out of his pocket, briefly looking
at the name of the caller and breaking into a wide smile.
    “CJ darling,
how are you?” He hadn't heard from her for weeks.
    “I'm fine. But
missing you terribly right now. Are you doing anything
    “No, shall I
come over? We can catch up on our mutual

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