Her House Divided (Beach Haven Book 1)

Free Her House Divided (Beach Haven Book 1) by A.J. Goode

Book: Her House Divided (Beach Haven Book 1) by A.J. Goode Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.J. Goode
until he, too, was quivering.
    “Tara, I need to be  in  you,” he growled. 
    “Do you have any—“
    “Be right back.”  He hurried to his own room and returned with a foil packet.  “Always be prepared,”  he said.
    She chuckled and then there was suddenly nothing to laugh at when he lifted her to the bed and pressed his body against hers, devouring her mouth with his.  This time, his kiss wasn’t tentative.  She could feel his need for her and knew that it matched her own need for him.
    He shifted his weight and guided her hands as she helped him put the condom on.  Saying her name again, he parted her legs and touched his tip to her swollen entrance; she wrapped her legs around him and tried to pull him closer.
    “So wet,” he whispered.
    His moves were tentative, cautious.  Teasing her.   Just when she thought she might explode again, he thrust into her, taking her back to the edge almost immediately.  She arched, raising her hips to meet him and taking him even deeper inside.  He moaned and thrust again and again until she cried out his name as the sensation overtook her once more.  She felt his shuddering release and then he sagged against her, kissing her more gently this time.
    They lay together in silence as their breathing returned to normal.    Tara snuggled against him and stared at the streaks of reddish light of the sunset reflecting off the surface of the lake and sliding down her wall.  She felt strangely shy about what had just happened, unsure of what to say or do next.
    “’Red sky at night, sailor’s delight’,” Ethan intoned solemnly, also glancing at the dimming light against the wall.
    She burst out laughing.  Turning to face him, she saw that he was leaning on one elbow and grinning at her.  “’Sailor’s delight’?” she echoed.  “And are you a sailor, Ethan? Because that was delightful.”
    “Just thinking about the meaning of that old saying,” he said.  “It’s supposed to mean that the next day will be clear and sunny, good weather.  And I was just thinking that I don’t care about tomorrow’s weather because I don’t plan on sleeping much tonight.”  He trailed his fingertips along her arm and leaned forward to blow a soft breath across her nipples, which hardened again almost immediately.
    “You know the other half of the saying?” she asked.  “’Red sky at morning, sailor take warning’.”
    “What are you warning me about, Tara?”
    She said nothing, only smiled back at him.  She wasn’t sure how to handle his playful banter; Randy had always been quick to move away from her after their lovemaking, and this closeness with Ethan was something unexpected. 
    That wasn’t the  only  thing about him that was unexpected, she reflected, feeling her face grow warm as she thought about everything that had taken place between them.
    “Are you blushing?”  He demanded, chuckling.  “You’re going to get all shy on me  now ?”
    She laughed again then and raised her head to kiss him again.  “You know what I want now?” she asked, twining her fingers in his chest hair and giving him her most seductive look.
    “Hmm?”  There was a definite waver to his voice that she chose to take as a compliment.
    She lowered her voice to a whisper and uttered one word.  “ Supper .”
    “Worked up an appetite, eh?  I could order a pizza.  Of course, we’d have to find a way to entertain ourselves while we wait for the delivery guy.”
    She wondered if they both had the same suggestions for that.
    * * *
    Ethan awoke the next morning, slightly disoriented by the warm presence of a woman in the bed next to him.  He blinked as memory flooded back, and he smiled at the sight of her wildly tousled hair splayed out on the pillow near him.  Fatigue had claimed her long before it had overtaken him, but not before they had spent the long hours of the evening together, first in her room and then in his. 
    He thought about slipping

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