Fragments (The Broken Series Book 2)

Free Fragments (The Broken Series Book 2) by Carrie Cox

Book: Fragments (The Broken Series Book 2) by Carrie Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carrie Cox
I left Jack’s apartment, I wandered around not knowing what to do with myself. I dumped my purse back in my room and laid back on my bed for a while, staring at the ceiling, feeling confused and hurt.
    Why did he reject me when all I wanted to do was help him?
    I laid there for about twenty minutes going over things in my mind.
    Perhaps he did just need time alone to process things. It must be difficult for Jack. There was always someone around him. Between me, Brian and Olga, he really didn’t get much alone time.  
    Perhaps a little space was just what he needed to get through this.
    I couldn’t make things better or pretend that the incident in the simulator didn’t happen. It was something that Jack had to deal with himself in order to get past it.
    I couldn’t do it for him. I could only be there for him if he needed me.
    I sighed. I wasn’t helping anyone by lying about in bed feeling sorry for myself.
    I got up, changed into a pair of old jeans and decided to go outside and help Lauren in the gardens.
    I found her around the back of the house, planting some new violet flowers.
    “Hey you,” I said as I approached.
    She looked up and shaded her eyes from the sun.
    “You on a break?” she asked.
    “Something like that,” I said. “So I thought I’d come and help you.”
    She grinned at me. “You gardening? Wonders will never cease!”
    I stuck my tongue out at her. “How hard can it be? Now, tell me what to do.”
    Following Lauren’s directions, I separated out some tiny, green, spindly plants and dug small holes, about two inches deep, stuck the plants in the holes I’d created, and then covered them with the dark, rich soil.
    It was satisfying work, and with the late afternoon sun shining on my back, it was almost therapeutic.
    It didn’t stop me brooding, but it was better than sitting alone in my room, waiting for Jack.
    I don’t know how long Lauren and I worked together. We didn’t even chat very much as we worked together side by side.  
    The sun was low in the sky when I finally stood up.  
    “Ouch,” I said, rubbing the small of my back. “My back is killing me. How do you do this all day, every day?
    Lauren grinned. “Practice. I’ve finished early today, thanks to you.”
    Lauren started to wipe clean the small trowel and gardening fork, and I attempted to sweep some of the soil I’d managed to spill on the lawn back into the flower bed.  
    I smiled down at my plants. I thought they looked pretty good. They were almost in a straight line. I was quite proud of my afternoon’s work.
    I bent down to collect some of the gardening tools, but a shadow fell across me. It made me jump.
    It was Alexander, and he looked furious.
    “What are you doing? Where’s Jack?” he snapped.
    I looked up at him. Jeez, what was his problem?  
    I arched one eyebrow and replied in my haughtiest voice. “Jack wanted to be alone this afternoon.”
    “And you let him? Jesus.” He raised a hand to his forehead. “How could you be so stupid?”
    I stepped back. “I don’t understand the problem…”  
    “The very fact you don’t understand is the problem.” Alexander’s words were like knives.
    “Hey,” Lauren said, sticking up for me. “Cool it. Jack’s an adult. It’s not Kristina’s fault.”
    For a few seconds, Alexander looked even more pissed as he glared at Lauren, but she stubbornly stared back at him, hands on her hips, refusing to back down.
    After a moment, he let out a long breath. “You’re right.” Then he turned to me and said, “I’m sorry, Kristina. Do you have any idea where Jack might be?”
    “He was in his apartment.” I frowned. This was not sounding good.  
    “I checked.” Alexander looked away. “He’s not there anymore, and I received a call from Dominic O’Brien letting me know what happened this afternoon.”
    Alexander’s eyes were like ice chips as he stared down at me. “Did you not think to tell me about that? Perhaps you thought I

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