Simple Deceit (The Harmony Series 2)
    “It was Rand,” he said, trying to keep his voice down. “Seems he tried to improve his deal with Eric.”
    Mary grimaced. “He’s not gonna blow this deal for the whole town, is he? Truth is, I would love to get some new customers. We get by here, but sometimes it’s just by the skin of our teeth. Bringing in some of these well-to-do retirees and their families could really help. I might actually be able to buy some new equipment. My grill is on its last legs, and the refrigerator is making noises no appliance should ever make.”
    Eric sighed. His encounter with Rand seemed to have shaken him up. His usual ruddy complexion had paled somewhat. “I think it’s a last-minute attempt to blackmail me. I’ll just have to let him know it won’t work.”
    “Maybe you’d better wait awhile,” Sam said. “Don’t confront him now. Let him cool down. I don’t trust him.”
    “Thanks, you’re probably right. I’m going to finish this delicious cheeseburger and these fabulous fries before I go looking for him.” He slapped Sam on the back. “Thanks again for coming to my rescue. Guess I just froze. His reaction completely took me by surprise. He’s been real easy to work with up until today.”
    Mary chuckled. “Rand McAllister? Easy to work with? He must have a twin, then. That man never has a kind word for anyone.” She smiled at Eric. “He was nice to you because you offered him money. Now he’s figured out he might be able to milk you for a little more.”
    Eric sat down slowly. “Well, he can’t. I have investors, but between this and another project we’re involved in, the group is spread pretty thin. To be honest, if Rand acts up too much, I’m afraid they’ll walk away.”
    “I sure hope that doesn’t happen,” Mary said. “People in this town are really counting on this boost to our economy. Lots osmall towns dry up and blow away without the kind of help you’re offering. Not only will your retirees want to shop and buy here, but what better place to send the grandkids for some swimming or fishing?”
    Eric bobbed his head toward the table where the sheriff sat. “What’s his deal? I appreciate his help, but he acts like I did something to offend him.”
    “It’s not just you,” Sam said. “It’s everyone. To be honest, I’m surprised he bothered to get involved at all.” He noticed Eric’s puzzled expression. “He has a problem with Harmony. Thinks it’s full of religious nuts.”
    “That’s too bad.”
    “Eric, you’re still planning to hold the meeting tonight, aren’t you?” I asked.
    “Yes.” He shrugged. “I’ll get it straightened out by tonight. Like I said, when Rand figures out I won’t give in to his demands, he’ll cave. If that doesn’t work, I know someone I can call. He’ll pony up a little more. It’s not what Rand asked for, but maybe if he feels he got one over on me, he’ll sign the contract. He’d be stupid not to, since he stands to make a lot of money free and clear.”
    I patted him on the shoulder. “I hope he does, Eric. If you need anything, please let us know. Sam and I will do whatever we can to help.”
    He reached up and grabbed my hand. “Thanks, Gracie,” he said earnestly. “I really appreciate it.”
    I let go of his hand and headed back toward our booth. Sam said something else to Eric that I couldn’t hear and then followed after me.
    “Wow,” I said when he slid into the other side. “Rand put on quite a show. You don’t think he’s really dangerous, do you?”
    “I honestly don’t know. I haven’t spent enough time aroundhim to have much of an opinion. I sincerely hope not, but that temper of his…”
    “Should we be worried?”
    “I told Eric I’d go with him to see Rand if he wanted me to. He thinks it will be okay, but he promised that if he felt uncomfortable about it, he’d call me.”
    I smiled at him. “That was very nice of you. You know, you really can be a rather pleasant

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