Blake, Abby - Suddenly Wolf (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Book: Blake, Abby - Suddenly Wolf (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Abby Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abby Blake
convince you, beautiful,” Daegan said as he and Isaac wrapped their arms around her. “I don’t know what will.”

Chapter Five

    Andrea felt like she was living in a perfect bubble where all of her dreams were coming true, where she felt safe and protected and free to be herself. The trouble was she expected the bubble to burst.
    Nothing good lasted for long. Life had taught her that long ago, and she couldn’t come up with a reason why it wouldn’t happen this time.
    “Hey,” Isaac said as he lifted her into his arms and carried her into a bedroom. “We don’t have to think about the future yet. How about we just enjoy being together tonight?” He placed her in the middle of the bed, unwrapped the towel, and stood back as Daegan and Xavier joined him.
    The three of them stood there smiling, watching her writhe against the cool sheets as they somehow sent images of what they planned directly into her mind. She moaned, opening her legs, begging with her body as they continued simply to watch.
    “Touch yourself,” Daegan ordered. She swallowed, feeling the heat of embarrassment creep over her face. She shook her head, but he gave her a look, and suddenly the need to please him—to please them all—overrode her embarrassment. She moved her hands over her breasts, her nipples already hard little nubs, her breasts aching and swollen. Andrea ran her nail over the tight flesh, her breath catching as warm arousal slithered through her and her men shuffled on their feet.
    She smoothed her hands down her stomach, moaning as she caught sight of her lovers’ arousal. The towel Xavier had slung low on his hips bulged and pulsed even more as she watched. Isaac and Daegan both sported hard erections pressed against their jeans that she suspected hurt like hell. The pained looks on their faces only grew worse when her fingers slid along her mound, grazing over her swollen clit before moving lower and teasing her labia. She lifted her hips off the bed, her fingers pushing into her pussy as three identical groans rose from her audience.
    “Hands and knees,” Xavier ordered in a gruff voice as he dragged the towel off his hips and climbed onto the bed. Isaac and Daegan quickly stripped off their clothes and followed. She felt her pussy clench as all three men helped to move her into position.
    Isaac lay down on the bed, pulling her over him so that she straddled his hips. Daegan moved to stand in front of her and Xavier caressed her ass from behind. He slid his fingers between her cheeks, his thumb pressing hard against her puckered opening.
    “Daegan, drawer behind you,” Xavier said as he wrapped an arm under her belly and pressed his thumb harder against her anus. She squeaked and tried to scurry forward, but he held her trapped and gentled her with soothing strokes. “Relax, sugar.”
    Daegan handed a bottle of lube over to his brother, the grin he cast her way promising wicked delights. Isaac caressed her breasts, his touch gentle, his calm demeanor soothing.
    “You’re going to love this,” Xavier said as he drizzled cool lube down the crease of her ass. She gasped and nodded, her ass clamping down as he tried to press his lubed thumb into her. “Sugar, you need to relax. We don’t want to hurt you.”
    Daegan moved closer. “Open,” he said as he pressed his cock against her lips. She did as he asked, suctioning onto him as he pushed deep into her throat. She concentrated on swallowing him, swirling her tongue over and around the head of his dick. He groaned as she took him deeper, her enthusiasm growing as he started to pump shallowly into her mouth.
    A hand—probably Isaac’s—found her clit, his fingers sliding over her slippery flesh again and again. Orgasm built rapidly, the promise of rapturous meltdown flying toward her at dizzying speed. She barely noticed when Xavier breached her ass, the muscle clamping down on his thumb, dragging him deeper. She groaned as he pushed more lube into her ass and

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