Blake, Abby - Suddenly Wolf (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free Blake, Abby - Suddenly Wolf (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Abby Blake

Book: Blake, Abby - Suddenly Wolf (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Abby Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abby Blake
Andrea already.
    But then his need took over, and he slid out carefully, thrusting back in urgently, unwilling to be apart, needing to be inside her. She clung to him, her arms shaking, her legs wrapped around him, her thighs squeezing him with werewolf strength.
    He did it again. Sliding out of her slick channel only to thrust back in harder. Again and again, he moved away, each thrust more powerful, each withdrawal and return more urgent. He moved his hands, trying to cushion her against the cold tiles as he fucked her harder, faster, deeper.
    She cried out, her need overwhelming them both as her muscles quivered around him. Her orgasm burst, her entire body shaking in his arms as he took her even harder. His own climax boiled in his belly, his mouth opening over her shoulder, his teeth elongating, his wolf side urging him to claim her.
    He licked her skin, his sense holding on by a thread as his balls drew up, and his groin tingled. A moment later orgasm burned through him. Pulse after pulse of hot seed spurted from his cock, filling his mate, sealing his future. Even without claiming her, she was his, his and Isaac’s and Daegan’s, and they would never let her go. He pulled her closer, turned them around so that he leaned against the tiles and she lay against him.
    The words “I love you” floated unbidden through his mind.
    “You can’t love me,” she said, quietly pulling away from him, the sad tone in her voice tugging at his heart.
    “Why not?” He let her go but reached over and tilted her chin so that he could see her eyes. “What’s so wrong with falling in love with my mate?”
    “It’s too soon.” She shook her head and tried to turn away, but he wrapped an arm around her waist and forced her to look at him. The tears in her eyes didn’t make any sense.
    “Talk to me, Andrea. Why is it too soon?”
    She sucked on her bottom lip, worrying it with her teeth as she searched his expression for something he didn’t understand. “I just…know from experience.”
    “You’ve been in love before?”
    “I thought so.”
    Things were starting to make more sense. He held her gaze, hoping she would explain more without him having to ask. She did.
    “I was married for six years. We were high school sweethearts. We promised each other the world and married when we barely knew each other. I thought things would grow, get better, but the opposite happened. We held it together for as long as we could, but in the end all we did was make each other miserable.”
    “That won’t happen to us,” he said confidently even though he could see her point. Unfortunately they probably weren’t the best choice of words under the circumstances.
    “I already know that being mates doesn’t guarantee we’ll actually like each other.”
    “I know. It’s just…it won’t happen to us.”
    “What makes you so sure?” Her belligerence was understandable under the circumstances, but it didn’t make it any less annoying. Surely part of building a successful relationship was being optimistic that things would work. He turned off the shower, stepped out, and held open a towel for her to walk into. She took the material and wrapped it around herself instead.
    He huffed an annoyed breath. “Call Isaac and Daegan.”
    She looked at him like he’d lost his mind. Eyeing him warily, she opened her mouth to do as he’d asked.
    “Call them with your mind.”
    “Seriously?” That word was seriously starting to piss him off. Did she believe nothing they told her? He ground his teeth together and gave her his stubborn look that would have scared the hell out of anyone else in the pack. But not his beautiful mate. She rolled her eyes and growled at him. After a few moments of glaring at each other, she finally closed her mouth and did as he asked. She looked rather surprised when his brothers answered. At least he assumed they answered since they came through the bathroom door wearing wide grins.
    “If that doesn’t

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