DeLeina, Maya - Veil of Seduction [Ambrose Heights Vampires 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Free DeLeina, Maya - Veil of Seduction [Ambrose Heights Vampires 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Maya DeLeina

Book: DeLeina, Maya - Veil of Seduction [Ambrose Heights Vampires 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Maya DeLeina Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maya DeLeina
Anya, according to our laws, he will need to fully understand Ryan’s relationship to her before he starts any type of quest.”
    “But what if Ryan had blackness in his turning? He may not even recall her.”
    “Then this will be our first true test on Steffan to know if he is upholding the creed and abiding by his own laws. Will he come to us for information, or will he simply ignore everything and mate abduct instead?”
    “Let me get this straight, he comes to us for information but you’re not even giving the man a fair chance at anything with this report? Steffan is relying on us. This sounds like entrapment.”
    “No. Don’t you see? We won’t claim to know anything about Anya. Background info on her family, yes, but that’s it. If Ryan can’t recall her, and he doesn’t get any straightforward information on her in the transgression report, Steffan has to fully investigate everything on his own. Look, if he is as virtuous as he appears to everyone, then there’s no harm, no foul. But, if my gut is correct, this decision to secretly test our leader could be our legacy. It could change our ranking among our kind.”
    “I don’t know. I’m not sure I’m comfortable with what you’re asking to do here.”
    “We need this, Alex. Remember, Steffan has absolute power. He sets the creeds, doctrines and laws…hell he even judges the cases of improprieties and determines punishment. He sits at the head of the council! No one questions him…no one tests his true self.”
    Alex ran his fingers through his hair and let out a sigh.
    “Alex, if it turns out we need a new leader, I can’t think of anyone more fitting for the title than you. And as our leader, you could even persuade Eilian to work on a serum to help you recall all your vampiric memories.”
    The thought of being figure of status did sound appealing to Alex, not to mention, a cure to help him remember his past which he desperately longed for.
    Alex buried his hands deep into his pants pockets. He resigned all efforts to argue with Madeline. And in a way, she was right. Who was watching over their leader?

    Chapter Six

    Steffan sat across from Eilian at the lab table.
    A soothing hum emanated from the lighting source, a therapeutic quality in its resonance.
    Laptops, folders, notebooks, and glass slides containing red and black blood smears covered the cold cement slab. The glass slides lay in a perfect row next to individual labels.
    Eilian, Catrin, Griffin, Rhys, Brynne, Aeron, Gwynn, Haydn.
    Steffan read off the names to himself, noticing his sample was clearly out of the mix.
    “Don’t worry,” scoffed Eilian from behind the microscope, breaking the long silence that suspended in the room. “You won’t be in this batch of testing. This is a Defender testing phase for the families, not Consumption. And, since you refuse to take Defender…”
    Steffan ignored his jab and began to slowly twirl himself on the rotating seat of the stool in a childlike manner. With his eyes fixed at the eyepiece and his hands making slight adjustments to the controls, Eilian continued, “So, they still remain black?”
    Steffan responded with a sigh of relief. “They finally are receding. By this evening, his eyes should return to human form.”
    Steffan got up from his seat, walked behind Eilian, and peered over his shoulder at his meticulous notes on the testing results.
    Eilian looked up from the eyepiece and turned around on the stool. Long strands of hair fell to his green eyes as he peered up at Steffan. “I know this doesn’t interest you and you would rather be upstairs with your music. So, what is it?”
    “He remembered his name. His name is Ryan—Ryan Evans. Looks like we don’t have to name him after all.”
    “Damn! I was so looking forward to a fine Welsh name to bestow on him to fit his stature and transformation.”
    Steffan chuckled. “I thought we agreed to break from the Welsh name tradition. I mean, you and I are from South

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