Cassie's Choice

Free Cassie's Choice by Donna Gallagher

Book: Cassie's Choice by Donna Gallagher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Gallagher
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
come to terms with. Why don’t we start from the beginning? There must be a beginning to this story to have you so convinced you are someone capable of such a thing.” Brodie’s voice was calm, but there was an underlying tone of worry as well.
    So Riley told Brodie of that night and how it had all come about. His fear of not being man enough for Cassie leading him down the path he was not keen to go. He tried to explain the depths of his anger towards Mike, the jealousy he’d felt when the man had touched Cassie and how he had wanted to do him harm. How the only way he could think of keeping Cassie safe from his own obsession with her was to move away, finish his university degree in another state. How hard he’d tried to forget about her and move on but how hopeless that attempt had been because once he’d seen her again all he wanted was to have Cassie back in his life once more.
    Riley spoke about how much he loved being around Cassie, how much he enjoyed hearing her laugh and making her happy. He even went so far as to describe how wonderful he felt after they had made love. How he’d spent nights just taking comfort in holding her in his arms.
    Brodie made no movement while Riley purged his troubles. He sat still, listening, no emotion showing to give Riley any clue as to what he was thinking. That immediately changed, though, when Riley spoke of his fear of becoming a stalker, hurting Cassie like Mandy had been hurt, of the nightmares he had suffered since witnessing that attack. Brodie sighed and rubbed his hand over his mouth. Riley felt like Brodie was trying to stall for time, work out what to say in response to such a horrible story.
    “I’m sorry, Riley, I have let you down,” Brodie said, much to Riley’s surprise, not expecting those to be the first words out of Brodie’s mouth. “I didn’t take into account how much an eleven-year-old would be affected by such violence. I take responsibility for that and we will deal with that together.” Brodie continued, “But first I want you to answer something for me. I want you to think about my question and give me an honest opinion. I promise you nothing you say will change the fact that we are friends.”
    Brodie paused for a moment and Riley waited nervously for the question about to be asked.
    “Did you ever think about physically abusing Cassie? Hurting her? Did you visualise such a thing at any time when you were jealous and angry, or feeling violent?”
    “Of course not!” Riley replied quickly. “I’d never touch Cassie in anger. But I wanted to stop other men from touching her. I wanted to keep her for myself. Felt like locking her away so she would only be mine. Those thoughts are not right, Brodie. I shouldn’t feel like that. I can’t own Cassie—that’s why I kept away, to protect her.”
    Riley was shaking, his chest felt so tight. This whole confession was taking a toll on him, adding to the tiredness from such a sleepless night. He just wanted to stop feeling like this. Seeing the smile that appeared on Brodie’s face was very unexpected.
    “So what you’re telling me is that you don’t like other men touching the woman you love? You do love her, Riley, am I right?”
    Riley thought about that question for a moment. Yes, he did love Cassie—that was half the problem—he had not wanted to lose her by telling her that. For fear she would laugh at the idea that a man of eighteen could possibly know what love was. But Riley was convinced then and he was still sure now. What he felt for Cassie was love. Thus the need to protect her. Let her go and find someone more deserving. He wanted Cassie to be happy with someone—even if he could not be that person.
    So Riley answered, “Yes, Brodie, I love Cassie just as much now as I did back then. It’s why I need help. I have to stay away from her. I can’t stand the thought of her being with anyone else, but I want her to find that person and be happy. God, it’s so damn

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