Isela's Love
keep her mouth shut next time. Isela scrubbed her face, trying to wash Guarros’ touch off of her skin. After she returned to her room, she changed and climbed into bed, exhausted.
    She gazed into his eyes, hurt by the anger and frustration she saw there. “I’m sorry,” she said, placing her hand on his chest.
    “Don’t,” he stopped her, pushing her hand away. “Don’t tell me you’re sorry when you’re not even willing to try.”
    “I want to. I do. But what if we get caught? He’ll kill you.”
    “We won’t get caught.” The man began pacing. “I’m done watching him hurt you. I’ll be the one who kills him, Isela. Make no mistake about that.” He stopped pacing and pulled her into his arms, burying his face in her hair, whispering against her neck, “I love you, Isela, please come with me. Love me back.”
    She threw her arms around his neck. “I do love you. You know that.”
    He kissed her, deeply, his tongue lavishly lingering over her lips, devouring her, sending blasts of heat spiraling through her core. He pulled away for a second to stare at her lips hungrily. She nodded, breathlessly.
    “I’ll do it. I’ll come with you.”
    He threw his head back and laughed, picking her up and twirling her around. Isela couldn’t remember ever being so happy, even through the red haze.
    She woke up panting yet again, feeling confused. Who was the brown-eyed man? Why did she keep dreaming of him and why did he make her so happy? Why did his touch leave her dizzied and unsteady? She touched her lips. And his kiss...
    “Calm down, Isela,” she told herself, “He’s only a dream.” No real man could ever cause her to lose herself like that. No real man could ever be that perfect.

Chapter Nine
    The Council’s guards were two large, humorless men. They’d agreed to meet at the farm so Maggie didn’t have to watch her brother being taken into custody, even though it was only pretend. In case Guarros had an informant, they wanted to make it authentic.
    The guards grabbed hold of Brendan and placed him in shackles. Darrios agreed to come as far as the gate, but thought it too risky to go any further. Brendan and the guards agreed. Another prisoner, a real one, was already chained to the wagon. The guards hooked up Brendan then got back in the wagon and left, the prisoners walking behind.
    Laughing, one of the guards yelled over his shoulder, “Make sure you keep up, fellas. We won’t be stoppin,’ so if you fall behind, you’ll be draggin.’”
    Brendan’s crime was to have been stealing food from his employer, a bar in Midland, and distributing it to the poor. They wanted him to be a sympathetic criminal so Isela wouldn’t fear him. A couple of fights at the bar were added to the jacket so he’d have a somewhat tougher image for some of the more aggressive inmates.
    By the time they reached the prison, Brendan had fully assumed his role. The other prisoner hadn’t spoken the entire trip. Brendan followed his lead.
    The prison guards met them at the gate then led them to the incoming door. A balding, bloated man, who Brendan figured was Guarros, stood scowling behind two other men. He attempted to fold his arms over his chest, but his fat belly made it impossible. His fingers didn’t even touch end to end.
    The Council guards produced the prisoner paperwork, announcing their names and offenses as they handed it to the prison guards.
    “Arvin Reed, residential robbery, Midland, three times. Brendan Malone, robbery, repeated distribution of stolen goods, Midland. Assault and battery, three times, Midland.”
    The warden stepped forward and snatched the paperwork from the guard. He chuckled when he read it.
    “I can see we got a couple of dangerous criminals here, boys.”
    He motioned with his hand for the guards to lead the prisoners to him. “Thanks, we’ll take it from here. You can be on your way.”
    Turning, he went inside, waiting until his prisoners were secured before dropping

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