
Free Elfin by Quinn Loftis

Book: Elfin by Quinn Loftis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Quinn Loftis
she was okay. She was still raw from the pain and from the things that Trik had shared with her.
    She rounded the bottom step and saw her mom going through a stack of mail at the kitchen table.
    “Hey,” Cassie said as she stopped beside her.
    “Hey,” her mom smiled. Sylvia Tate was a beautiful woman and always happy , which only made her more beautiful. There were times that Cassie felt like she walked in the shadow of her mother’s beauty, but she held no jealousy. Her mom didn’t have a clue just how attractive she was.
    “Everything going alright tonight?” Sylvia absently flipped through the mail, pausing sporadically to gaze at one envelope or another.
    Cassie let out a deep breath, making sure her voice didn’t waiver when she answered. No matter how tough she wanted to think she was, she never wanted to go through the pain she had so recently endured.
    “I’m good. Tired, so I’m getting ready to call it a night.”
    Sylvia looked up, her eyes narrowed as she scrutinized Cassie’s face. Cassie decided that she must have hid her anxiety well because her mom smiled and gave her a hug.
    “Okay then, sleep well ,” Sylvia told her.
    Cassie made her way back up the stairs, trying to gather her thoughts as she prepared to once again face the inhuman beauty in her room.

Chapter 5
    “ In the very rare instance that a human becomes the Chosen of an Elfin there is only one way that human can be allowed a continued existence. It is a choice not made lightly especially by those of the Elfin race. A bond must be made, unbreakable, eternal and is only possible between a male and his Chosen.” ~Laws of the Elfin, Lost Book
    “Are you not a teensy bit shocked by everything going on?” Elora asked her mother as they sat at their kitchen table. Lisa had made a pot of herbal tea when they arrived home. Now they both sat, sipping their tea, their minds still struggling to wrap themselves around the events of the evening.
    “I’ve known that Syndra was an elf my whole life, and had no idea that she was royalty. I don’t think my mother knew. So yeah, I’m just a tad shocked.”
    “What does it mean?”
    “It means just what Syndra said. We keep our traps shut. We aren’t supposed to know about their kind and we sure as heck aren’t supposed to know that she is a Royal.” Lisa took a sip of her tea as she looked over the rim of her mug at her daughter.
    “She said that even knowing who Trik is was dangerous,” Elora reminded her mom.
    Lisa nodded. “Maybe he’ll be honest with her now that he knows Syndra has been in touch with her.”
    “Yeah, and let’s hope that Syndra can talk her elf husband out of trying to significantly shorten Cassie’s life span,” Elora added.
    Lisa snorted. “Knowing how closely they protect their secrets, with our luck they’ll probably try hauling her off to Elf land.”
    “Not funny , Lisa.” Elora rolled her eyes at her mother’s dark sense of humor, not even realizing how honestly she came by her own pessimistic personality.
    Syndra sat while her mate, Tamsin, King of the Light Elves, paced back and forth across their bedroom. She waited while he considered her words and the implications that came with them.
    “So you are telling me , Triktapic, famous assassin and continual thorn in my side, has a Chosen and she is human?” Tamsin eyed his Chosen with raised brows.
    Syndra gave a slow nod and continued to let him work through the details. She knew how her mate’s mind worked and knew that it was best to make subtle suggestions but ultimately let him come up with the decision.
    “So she is essentially untouchable,” Tamsin thought out loud. “How is it that someone as dark as Trik would possibly be given one so innocent, not to mention young.”
    “She is young, but not as young as you think. She has what the humans call an old soul. She has an inner strength that I don’t even think she is aware of.”
    Tamsin looked o ver at his Chosen and wryly smiled.

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