Justice Served

Free Justice Served by Radclyffe

Book: Justice Served by Radclyffe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Radclyffe
to…what? Follow him around every night?”
    Rebecca shrugged. “Once we get the first bit of hard evidence, I can justify twenty-four-hour surveillance to Henry. Until then, yeah, it’ll be just me. Watts is taking the woman.”
    Catherine was silent, struggling to assimilate the reality of her lover’s work. That it was a valuable service, she did not doubt. That it was essential to the structure of the society in which she lived, she did not doubt. She respected Rebecca’s skill and was proud of her dedication. And she hated every minute, day or night, that Rebecca squared off, face-to-face, with evil.
    “I see,” Catherine finally said, because regardless of how she felt, Rebecca would do what needed to be done.
    “It’s not dangerous,” Rebecca said as if reading Catherine’s thoughts. “Only deadly boring.”
    “I don’t mind you being bored now and then,” Catherine murmured, smoothing her palm over the center of Rebecca’s chest. The tips of her fingers brushed the ridge of scar tissue at the upper border of her lover’s left breast, and she faltered, the tactile sensation triggering the memory of the bullet impacting Rebecca’s chest.
    “It won’t happen again,” Rebecca murmured, gathering Catherine’s fingers and lifting them to her lips. She kissed each fingertip, then the palm. When Catherine moaned softly in appreciation, the sound struck home hard. Suddenly, every cell vibrated, and the need to join exploded in the very heart of her. “Catherine.”
    The word was a benediction in the darkness.
    “Yes,” Catherine answered the unspoken.
    Rebecca arched her back and angled her hips until Catherine was beneath her and her hands framed Catherine’s face. “Don’t worry.”
    “I don’t.” Catherine kissed her, a gentle brush of lips, then a deeper caress of tongue against tongue. “Not much.”
    “You lie very badly, Dr. Rawlings.” Rebecca drew Catherine’s lower lip between her teeth and nibbled gently before easing her mouth over the crest of her lover’s chin and down her throat. As she worked her lips along the smooth skin, Catherine tilted her head back, exposing the fragile structures to Rebecca’s teeth. The trust in that simple gesture drove the breath from Rebecca’s chest, and as need ripped through her, she skimmed a hand between Catherine’s thighs. Finding her lover wet, she teased a finger between her lips and over her firm clitoris, sliding through Catherine’s desire with tantalizing slowness.
    Gasping, Catherine dug her fingers into Rebecca’s back and lifted her hips, seeking more of the enticing touch. “You’re so good at that.”
    “What?” Rebecca rubbed her cheek over Catherine’s breast and captured a nipple with her lips. She toyed with the hard nub, flicking it with her tongue as she echoed the rhythm with her fingers. “Oh.” Flick. “You mean…” Tug. “This?”
    “Yes. Oh God.” Catherine nearly screamed as her body stiffened. She drove her face into Rebecca’s neck and, in a voice almost too strangled to be heard, pleaded, “Inside. Make me come…deep.”
    Rebecca pushed herself up on one arm as she buried herself in Catherine’s yielding depths. She pushed steadily, gasping as tissue slick with passion enveloped her, claiming her even as she laid claim.
    “Oh Christ,” Rebecca whispered. “I love you.” She leaned back to bring Catherine up to face her, her arm thrusting steadily between Catherine’s thighs.
    “I can’t…” Catherine gasped for air. “Can’t wait much longer.”
    Rebecca’s thumb found Catherine’s rigid clitoris, and she stroked firmly. “I don’t want you to wait. I want you to come all over me, right now.”
    “Oh, I am. I am.” Catherine shivered, then froze as a cry tore from her throat. As her climax crested, she dropped her head to Rebecca’s shoulder and sucked hard on the thick muscle.
    The unexpected sensation lanced through Rebecca’s chest and belly, igniting the nerve endings that

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