became aware that she was no longer speaking, and he recognized the expectant look she was giving him. It was a wary, lustful look. In his younger years it would have went straight to his cock. Now, it merely confused him.
A week ago, when Lotus had returned to the den, he had propositioned her. The human had angered him, and he may have very well rutted with Lotus, had she not rejected him. He could have easily swayed her, but she had alluded to the fact that his mate cared for him. That fact alone would not have stopped him from rutting where he pleased, but it had intrigued him enough to give him pause.
Much had happened since then.
During the mating thrall, Caim had experienced unparalleled desire. It had come to him, over and over again, always ending in a searing climax that tore through his body as he poured himself into his mate. Perhaps it was the memories of the thrall, still so fresh in his mind, which rendered him unaffected by Lotus’s wanton gaze. His jaw tightened, and he stared at her, unblinking. She averted her eyes, her tanned cheeks reddening.
“It will pass,” she said quietly. “You will grow tired of her, and when you do I will be here waiting, as I always have.”
She turned and walked away, the snow crunching softly beneath her light steps. Before he had time to contemplate her strange behavior, Sable approached.
“It is done,” she informed him, nodding towards the tree. Caim surveyed her work. The cat’s carcass had been grotesquely arrayed. Birds were already circling the sky above the body. By the time his tribe found him, his human form would likely be unrecognizable. “Do you like what I did with his guts?” she asked.
“I approve,” he said, the corners of his lips tugging with his amusement.
She brought her bloodstained fingers to her lips, absently licking at them as they stared at the macabre array in a companionable silence. He could not help but think about how much easier things were with Sable. Like Lotus, Sable had been his pack mate since he was a pup. The same age, they grown up together and had always been friends. When they were juveniles, Lotus had never had a problem with him rutting with Sable, and had often joined them.
“Do you think I will become bored with my mate?”
It was a question that he could not have asked Asch. It would have angered the other alpha, who was obstinate about remaining faithful to their mate. Since she had come to the pack, Asch had scarcely laid a hand on one of his favorites, and had clearly instructed them to keep their distance from him as well. Caim had not gone so far as to order Lotus and Sable away from him, primarily because he had presumed from the start that their bond would be unaffected by the human. Even after he had agreed to share her, he had seen her more as Asch’s mate than his own.
It had made perfect sense. Asch could be the one to care for her and provide her with the affection she seemed to crave. When his mate was fertile, he could sire pups on her, but otherwise he could remain uninvolved in her day to day life, retaining all of the freedoms he had been accustomed to before she had stumbled into his life.
But at some point, that too, had changed.
“Who knows?” Sable said, shrugging. “I certainly do not. I do think she is important to you. I am sure that your friend could attest to that, had he a throat.” They both laughed, and Caim felt his irritation begin to dissipate. Sobering, she asked, “Do you want to remain loyal to her?”
He considered the question, his eyebrows furrowing. “I do not want to be disloyal to her.” It was the most he could commit to, and he was not sure how long he would feel that way. Now that the thrall was over and she was likely carrying his pup, he had little obligation towards her, outside of ensuring that she had adequate care. Decisively, he said, “I am alpha. I am within my rights to change my mind if I please.”
“This is true,” Sable said, nodding.
Marteeka Karland, Shara Azod