One Night With Her
    First Impressions
    Pleasure, beyond her wildest fantasies.
    “That’s a helluva promise to make. Because
some people have pretty wild fantasies,” Jack said as he rattled
off the tagline attached to the tall purple device that boasted
twelve different settings designed to serve up “exquisite
    “That’s exactly why we’re making that
promise,” Casey replied as she hopped up on the edge of his desk
and crossed her legs, absently kicking a high-heeled foot back and
forth like a pendulum. “Because this bad boy can de-li-ver.
Stories, I can tell you,” she said, and Jack quickly held up a hand
as a stop sign.
    “I’ll have to trust you on that.”
    She rolled her stormy blue eyes, the same
shade as his. “Don’t go all squeamish on me.”
    “Has nothing to do with squeamishness,” he
said, shaking his head. “You can just keep this on the list of
things I never want to hear—stories about my little sister and our
newest product.”
    “You don’t have to trust me when it comes to
The Mona,” she said, grasping the toy and cradling the newest
vibrator in her hand, stroking it lovingly. “Trust our product
testing group, otherwise known as The Happiest Ladies in the
    “Do they walk around all blissed out, mouths
open, eyes glazed?” Jack teased, hanging his jaw open in
demonstration. Not mockingly, of course. He was a big fan of that
deliciously sated look a woman wore after an orgasm. Usually
multiple O s. At least, as far as he was concerned.
    Casey snapped her fingers. “Allow me to
quote some feedback from one of our testers. ‘ The Mona is like a
direct line to a pleasure palace I didn’t even know existed inside
of me .’ Now that I think about it, we should rename this one
The Wizard, because this is the closest anyone will ever come to
real magic here.” She stopped, took a beat. “Get it? Come?”
    He nodded, a small smile tugging at his
lips. “I do get it. Wasn’t a hard one to wrap my head around,” he
said, tapping his temple.
    “See? You’ve got the hang of the puns too.
Hard one,” she repeated.
    “Been running this business with you for
five years now, Casey. I’m well acquainted with your style. And
with the magic we’re peddling.”
    “Abracadabra,” she said, miming waving a
magic wand. “Joy delivered.”
    That’s what the company they ran was
called—Joy Delivered—and Jack had a meeting in an hour with one of
the city’s top purveyors of pleasure products, Eden. The classy
shop on the Upper East Side, conveniently located above a private
BDSM club Eden also ran, had been actively promoting another
device, the Dancing Dolphin. That triple speed, nearly noiseless,
terrifically thrilling pocket vibrator had developed a cult
following among legions of erotic book club readers, who praised it
as the perfect companion while they read one-handed, often about
BDSM storylines, as it turned out. The dom-sub lifestyle wasn’t
Jack’s personal cup of tea, but he was glad for whatever floated
someone’s boat enough to open the bedside drawer and grab a
    Yeah, business was good thanks to the
erotica craze that had swept not just the country, but also the
world, and had made it more acceptable to bring another party into
the bedroom, even if the third party required batteries. Nothing
wrong with self-love or with calling in backup between the
sheets , Jack reasoned.
    “Are you going to take this with you to your
meeting tonight with Henry and Marquita?” Casey handed him The
Mona, but Jack quickly shook his head.
    “They’ve already seen it. We’re just
finalizing the paperwork for the new shipment. We’re beyond the
giggle-at-the-dildo stage of conversation.”
    “But it’s still nice to see the pleasure
tools. Especially since they’re going to that sexuality conference
at The Pierson, right?”
    “Right. He said he’d be attending some
sessions in the afternoon. And yet, call me crazy,” he said,
stopping to scratch

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