The Grass is Greener

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Book: The Grass is Greener by Loretta Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loretta Hill
Not that Jack would know what that really looked like. Numbats were an endangered species after all, and she doubted he’d ever seen one around, even in these parts.
    Didn’t stop you reading up about them, did it?
    The truth was, back then she’d had the biggest crush on him. She felt her face warm at the memory. It was no wonderhe’d likened her to a spooked marsupial. He was the gorgeous older guy with all that awe-inspiring worldliness, and she the self-conscious teenager struggling to be accepted by her parents. It had taken her ages to respond to his teasing with any sort of coherence. It was no wonder he’d enjoyed it so much. She shrugged off the thought. The past was the past.
    She’d grown up since then.
    A lot.
    Chris seemed to read her mood correctly. ‘You know what, you look different too. More self-assured. Maybe it’s the hair. It’s shorter. But I suppose that’s what women do from time to time.’
    â€˜Yes, that’s what we do,’ she inclined her head with a slight smile, ‘especially when we’re looking for a new start.’
    He grinned. ‘Mum will be so pleased you’ve come to visit. How long are you staying?’
    She licked her dry lips. It seemed a little premature to say ‘indefinitely’. After all, this was their house and she hadn’t even asked their permission yet.
    Damn it, Bron! Why on earth did you think this would be easy?
    She should have asked Claudia to call first. Pave the way, so to speak. She just hadn’t wanted to stress her best friend out further this morning. She knew that the job interview had already kept her up half the night with worry.
    â€˜Er …’ she stalled. ‘I’m not really sure.’
    Chris’s grin broadened. ‘Very cagey, aren’t you? Should I be worried?’
    â€˜Not yet,’ she smiled back.
    â€˜At least let me take you out to dinner while you’re here. I hear the Maxwells might be reopening their restaurant. It overlooks their lake. Could be very romantic.’
    Bronwyn laughed as she unclipped Elsa’s leash and opened the back of the tray, allowing the dog to jump down and bound around the car to sink her snout into the refreshing liquid inthe bucket. ‘I’d love to go out with you, Chris, but not as a date, okay?’
    The sound of water slapped against Elsa’s parched tongue.
    Chris gasped. ‘Seriously? You just said I look fantastic.’
    She shook her head with a wry grin. ‘Yeah, but you’re like a brother to me.’
    â€˜Was that how you felt about Jack too?’ His eyes narrowed.
    She put her hands on her hips crossly. ‘Are we really going to go there?’
    â€˜No,’ he grinned, ‘I suppose not. But old habits die hard.’ He sighed. ‘Come on, we better go inside. If we stay out here much longer we might start hugging and agreeing to just be friends.’ He looked so disgusted by the concept that she had to laugh again as he did a quick twirl on his rather sporty-looking chair so that he could hold the door open for her. Bronwyn noticed the slanted wheels that looked like they were built for speed rather than stability.
    â€˜See something you like, sweetheart?’ he enquired, clearly flirting again. What was it about Franklin men having thick skin?
    â€˜I admire you, Chris,’ she said softly and sincerely. ‘I really do.’
    His grin widened even further as he took in the whole of her. ‘Don’t sweat it, darlin’, the feeling is perfectly mutual.’
    With a slight smile, Bronwyn walked into the house. Despite the obvious need for repairs in various nooks and crannies, the house was very welcoming. Wooden floorboards gently groaned as they made their way across an expansive foyer. An old oak barrel that had been cut in half and topped with a slice of polished tree trunk sat in the centre. This made a very earthy-looking hall table. The only

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