6 Death Takes The Blue Ribbon

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Book: 6 Death Takes The Blue Ribbon by Teresa Watson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teresa Watson
way out. “He won’t give you any more trouble,” I told her. “He’s working on a story about Harold’s murder. Make sure he doesn’t smear Gladys or say anything negative. If he does, take it out and call me.”
    “Yes, ma’am,” she laughed, giving me a snappy salute. “Anything else?”
    “Yes,” I said, “don’t call me ma’am.”
    I stood up and paced the lobby floor again. It had been thirty minutes since I got to the sheriff’s office, and I was getting a bit anxious for Gladys. T.J. had made a brief appearance, but just to get me something to drink and to have me wait out here. Abbie Sinclair, Alan’s wife, was working the front desk this morning. “You’re making me a nervous wreck, Lizzie,” she said. “Why don’t you sit back down?”
    “I’ve spent most of the morning sitting. A little walking around will help burn off some of this nervous energy.”
    “You’re going to wear a hole in the linoleum, and Owen will yell his head off about the expense.”
    “He’ll get over it,” I muttered, glancing at his closed office door. “How long have they been in there?”
    “About forty minutes,” Abbie replied. “The scuttlebutt going around is they found a lot of incriminating evidence at her house. Is that true?”
    “Why ask me?”
    “Alan said you were there.”
    “Just to pick up something that Gladys asked for.”
    “What was it? Some juicy letters from her secret lover?”
    I looked at her, shocked. “Have you been reading those romance novels again? You know they always give you screwy ideas.”
    “I know,” she sighed.
    “Besides, can you imagine Gladys with a secret lover?” Just the mere mention of it made me shudder.
    “Ugh, good point.”
    “They were just some photo albums. Several people have told me that she and Harold were childhood sweethearts.”
    “Oh, that’s so sweet!” Abbie said.
    Owen’s office door opened, and Gladys walked out, followed by a tall gentleman in a dark blue business suit. He shook hands with Owen and T.J. “I want to be kept informed of anything you turn up in the investigation.”
    “You just make sure she’s available to answer more questions when we need her,” Owen grumbled.
    “Of course, Sheriff. My client will cooperate fully with you and your people. Deputy Roosevelt, it was a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for the kindness you showed Mrs. Norwell. She told me that you were a perfect gentleman.”
    “You’re welcome, Gladys, anytime,” T.J. said to her. He shook hands with the man, and then he and Owen went back into the office and closed the door.
    Gladys stopped in front of me. She threw her arms around me and gave me a big hug. “I don’t know how you did it, but thank you so much for sending this wonderful young man to help me. Owen was ready to throw me into a cell, but Mr. Henderson pointed out that anyone could have planted that stuff in the trash. The thing was wiped clean, no prints at all. He pointed out that if it had come from my kitchen, my fingerprints would have been all over them. The fact that there are no rhubarb plants in our garden was a point in my favor, but Owen stubbornly said I could have bought some recently.” She shook her head. “He’s just as stubborn now as he was when he was a child.”
    The man standing next to her held out his hand to me. “Stephen Henderson, Ms. Crenshaw. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I can see why Jake is so enamored with you.” I blushed. “He said you are the one who asked him to call me.”
    “I asked him to call a criminal attorney. It was his decision to call you.”
    “Well, I’m glad he did. I’d like to talk to you at some point, go over what happened yesterday at the fair.” He looked at his watch. “It’s almost 1 p.m., and I’m starving. Is there a place where we can meet and get something to eat?”
    “There’s a place called the Eat it or Starve Café not far from here in the town square. We can go there.”

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