The Star Caster

Free The Star Caster by Jamie Loeak

Book: The Star Caster by Jamie Loeak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Loeak
I close my eyes to relive the kiss. It was dizzying and messy; we were desperate for one another, for a connection that would take it all away. And we found it within one another. I could only imagine what it would feel like if I let myself fall int o something more than his kiss, and I open my eyes to chase that feeling away; I don’t need Sterren lusting for something more than a kiss right now. We still had to focus on my training.
    I look up at Sterren’s bright eyes. I push his hair out of the way again, and look into his golden one, reminding him of our job without words.
    Sterren sighs and holds his hand out to me. I take it, and we head back to where we were before – somewhere near the cage and the old, oil lamp.
    “So, what else do I need to know about star casting?” I ask as we sit back down. The ground is cold, and Sterren moves closer to me so that I stop shivering. I lean against his side and he throws his arm around my shoulder. I feel like a normal girl with a normal guy for a moment, and snuggle into him.
    “Well, you need to know the rules and the words to recite before granting a wish.”
    I turn and look up at Sterren. “Okay,” I state. “Tell me.”
    “There are two rules,” Sterren says after taking a deep breath. “The first is that you can never refuse a wish.”
    “What happens if you try?” I whisper.
    “ Then you cannot be a Star Caster any longer,” he says.
    I sit up and turn to face Sterren. Why hadn’t he mentioned this before? It would be so easy to end this thing.
    Sterren just shakes his head, and I know that I wasted energy becoming hopeful. It wouldn’t be that simple. So, what happens if I refuse? “I’ll die?” I ask.
    “Yes,” Sterren whispers.
    I shudder at that thought. How do Star Casters even survive? I’m sure that some of them have wanted, even needed, to defy a captor’s orders. How did they live with themselves? How did they live at all? “But?” I murmur.
    “You can do this,” Sterren says as he rubs my back affectionately.
    No I can’t. I can’t even handle this news right now. There’s no way I’ll handle all of this pressure. This is crazy. But, I swallow and pretend to be strong. “What’s the second rule, Sterren?” I look into his eyes as I ask this question, because I’m prepared to hear anything.
    “You must finish the three wishes once you’ve given up the first. It’s the only way to get your stars back,” he states.
    “So, once someone captures me I’m pretty much under their control.” I look into his eyes, trying to force him to tell me the truth, because it doesn’t sound like it could get much worse.
    Sterren looks up at the ceiling for a moment. He tilts his head back and forth as he aligns his thoughts. Once he figures out what he wants to say he looks back down at me. “You are very right, Danika. And I’m so sorry that you’re in this predicament. I wish it was me and not you,” he says as he lifts his hand up to touch my cheek. His eyes are saddened by this news, and I push myself up to comfort him with my kiss. We hold ourselves like this, lips touching lips in a sweet and innocent way.
    I pull away at first but push forward to rub my nose against Sterren’s. He really is a sweet and caring man. And on top of that, he’s delicious. My heart falters as I realize what’s going on. I have feelings for Sterren. They might have stemmed from our connection, but I can feel them within my heart now. They are there on their own. And, I wonder if he feels the same way about me. Could he?
    “Danika,” Sterren says huskily. “I can’t let them use you.”
    I look up into Sterren’s eyes, knowing that he’s angry at himself. He is unable to save me now, and there’s nothing that either one of us can do about it. “We can do this together,” I say. But, I know that I can’t let them use him either. I would rather refuse their wishes.
    “Let’s go over the words,” Sterren says to bring us both on topic. He

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