Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1)

Free Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1) by Krystal Morrison

Book: Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1) by Krystal Morrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krystal Morrison
the glass from her fingers, pausing as his eyes caught sight of the picture on the floor where she had placed it on his arrival.
    “I’ll be damned. I have to admit I didn’t think you were that type”, he laughed harshly as he placed the glass on the side table and inspected the picture closely, “Mourning a boyfriend huh? Isn’t he a bit too old for you though?”
    She laughed despite herself, “that’s my dad, silly”.
    He glanced at the picture and then at her as if in disbelief, “and why exactly would you be grieving for your father?”
    The mirth drained from her fa ce. “He died exactly seven years ago, today”, her voice cracked on the statement.
    “Oh”, he seemed uncomfortable at the sudden turn of events and she quickly scooped the quilt and cushion from the floor, placed them on the couch and turned towards the door.
    He gripped her arm as she made to leave, “tell me about him…” she glanced at his face and the shock she felt at his unexpected request was mirrored in his expression along with something akin to sadness.
    Her arm tingled where he held her as she sank involuntarily into the soft couch; resting her head on the armrest and when he released her she felt bereaved.
    “My dad was a gourmet chef and everything he did revolved around that ”, she began, her eyes pooling with tears at the fond memories, “he started teaching me how to cook before I could talk properly…I’ve always wanted to be a pastry chef and one afternoon when I was eight I talked him into helping me to create a business portfolio for my bakery and café… We even named it ‘Sweets and Treats’", her throat clogged up on the last words and she swiped the tears from her cheeks with her fingertips.
    She inhaled sharply as Sebastian’s arms wound around her waist suddenly; pulling her into the warm cocoon of his arms and her misery immediately abated. He held her awkwardly at first, as if the notion of giving comfort was foreign to him. Warmth blossomed in the pit of her stomach and travelled to every inch of her body at the gesture and she melted into him; inhaling the intoxicating scent that was simply Sebastian.
    He stroked her hair lightly and desire surged through her veins; hot and demanding and as he eased away from her to stare into her eyes, she knew she was lost. She welcomed the enticing pressure of his luscious lips; devouring even as she was being devoured. She went willingly as his muscular torso propelled hers towards the couch; his large body partially covering hers.
    His lips left hers to nip gently along her cheekbones and neck and she moaned in pleasure. He caressed her legs beneath her nightshirt with featherlike strokes as his mouth found hers again for a searing kiss. He traced his forefinger along the interior of the waistband of her skimpy underwear and her heart hammered against her ribcage in tormented anticipation. She should stop this, a sane voice in the back of her head sanctioned but the hunger inside her demanded to be fed. He cupped the swollen flesh between her thighs and she shivered as she pulsed against his palm.
    His kisses grew urgent as his hands drifted to her abdomen; stroking the silken flesh of her flat stomach and he growled low in his throat as his hand met her firm bare breast. He flicked her hardened nipples between his forefinger and thumb and she writhed with pleasure as the heat inside her body intensified tenfold. She was barely aware of Sebastian hauling the nightshirt over her head until he trailed hot wet kisses from her neck to her chest.
    His mouth closed over one hardened nipple, his hand caressing the other and she felt as if he had broken the pleasure gauge of her body; releasing millions of delightful sensory nerve cells inside her. She whimpered with need; threading her fingers through the glossy strands of his hair in a desperate bid to hold his mouth in place. It was as if he was in synchronization with her body as he seemed to know exactly what to do

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