Redemption: My Vampire Lover Part #2 (A Dark Realm Novella Series)
    “There’s no time like the present,” he had
replied. “And he threw me in the water. He refused to let me get
out of the water until I came out with the tiger in a bear hug.” I
paused as I finished fashioning one side of the bench to match the
other side, waiting to see if she’d get my joke. She didn’t seem to
notice. I continued.
    “I struggled for the longest time to stay
afloat, but after I grew tired I began to drown. My father stood
there and watched me, not once helping me.”
    Caroline interrupted me. “Your father is an
    “I totally agree.” I smiled to myself,
sighing as my heart swelled. This is a moment I’ll always cherish,
I thought. I continued. “Once I fell beneath the water and assumed
I had drowned, some force dragged me to the bottom of the sea. I
woke up on this beach here with two dragons peering intently over
me. I thought they were going to eat me, but I soon discovered that
they were more fearful of me because they had never seen a creature
that could walk on two legs.”
    “You were the first human they had ever
    I nodded, glancing her way. She was leaning
against one of the palm trees, braiding her hair. I sighed again,
exhaling slowly and resumed my work. After a few moments, I
announced, “I’m almost done here.” I rested my hands on my hips.
“Anyways, that’s how I learned about the Fanged world. Orlando was
the one who saved me. I’d say he’s as close as any brother I could
ever hope to have. He and I are army friends. We go into battle
together when any issues arise and we have to make peace with the
other realms.”
    “What about the other dragons?”
    “The others are older and more reserved, but
they are very nice once you get to know them. They’ll be very nice
to you. Don’t worry. I’m hoping you get to meet them.”
    “You expect them before nightfall?”
    “They usually know when I’m on my way, so it
doesn’t make sense that they wouldn’t be here now.”
    Caroline spoke up, interrupting my train of
thought. “The ceiling painting above your bed. You said Orlando
made that for you, to remind you?” She paused, her tawny eyes
gleaming, as she searched for the right word.
    “Here,” I motioned for her to join me on the
newly carved bench. “Sit with me.”
    “This is beautiful, Raphael. Thank you. Look
we can see out across the water. I can’t get over this view.” She
cuddled up close to me and patted me on the knee. “That design. I
understand now. It reminds you of who you are - a member of the
Fanged army - not a demon like your father.” Glancing up at me with
a satisfied expression, she asked, “That’s correct? Isn’t it?”
    I nodded, brushing her braids over her
shoulder. “Precisely. Now you understand. I’m not a demon. And just
because I’m a vampire in the Dark realm does not mean I’m evil. I’m
not. There’s a small group of us who fight for justice and that’s
what I do.”
    “You hear that, Wolf,” she announced.
    I laughed out loud, then wondered if she
meant something by that.
    “I’ve met a vampire warrior who wants to save
me,” she whispered as she gently ran her finger down the cleft in
my chin. “I think your mother would be very proud. What happened to
her? Did she leave your father?”
    Taking her hand in mind, I lightly kissed her
palm. “Parting from you will certainly drive me insane.”
    “I don’t want to leave you,” Caroline
replied. Her eyes brimmed with fresh tears. “Couldn’t you go with
    “If it was that simple, I would. Yes.” I
stood up to put a little distance between the two of us. I
struggled to think as a sense of foreboding lodged in my stomach.
Being next to Caroline overloaded every nerve in my body. I wanted
to make love to her beneath the palm trees. Immediately I
redirected my thoughts. With the dragons missing, something was
certainly wrong. I decided to continue my story. “Are you cold?” I
    “A little. Did you

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