Redemption: My Vampire Lover Part #2 (A Dark Realm Novella Series)
my cheeks
    “Raphael?” I added an authoritative tone to
my voice, letting the last syllable drop with a hint of
seriousness. “I want some answers.”
    “This…” he announced, raising his arms to the
sky, “is the Fanged world. But it doesn’t matter, does it?” he
growled. “You’ll be on your way home soon and out of my father’s
clutches. He won’t take you as well, but I’ll lose you forever.” He
pumped his fist into the palm of his other hand.
    When I realized Raphael was referring to my
brother and aunt, a flood of wild grief ripped through me and I
    He whirled around. Oh god, Caroline. I didn’t
want to tell you. I’m sorry!”
    I covered my mouth in anguish preventing
myself from saying anything because I immediately understood his
meaning the same time he did. My eyes widened and a large lump
formed in my throat.
    Our eyes locked. The passion in his eyes died
and they became flat, almost as unreadable as stone. He shifted his
gaze to the water beyond us, refusing to look at me.
    “Who. Is. Your. Father?” I uttered the words
very slowly when I finally recovered my voice.
    “I can explain.”
    “Who is your father?” I screamed, brining my
feet down hard on the wood as I attempted to stand without any
luck. The wood of the pier beneath me cracked.
    “Let me explain.”
    “Tell me,” I growled.
    “Lord Asmodeus. The demon that probably
killed your relatives. He’s my father.”
    “No!” Not wanting to hear Raphael confess to
a death sentence by association, I covered my ears and shook my
head. “No, don’t say that.” I prayed the Wolf had not heard
    He’ll have to die too, Caroline.
    “ No, I won’t let you ,” I replied
inwardly to the Wolf.
    To extinguish the darkness in your father
and mother, all demons will have to die.
    “I will kill the son-of-a-bitch myself, Wolf.
This is not your fight!” I screamed, realizing Raphael had no idea
what I was talking about. Smothering back a sob, I fell into the
hammock, defeated. Tears streamed down my face and I hid my face
from Raphael who was standing over me. I’d lose him too. Death
would take the one chance I may have at love, real love and I’d be
powerless to stop it.
    “Please Caroline. I can explain.” Raphael
knelt beside me in the hammock.
    “No, no. You don’t have to. You’re not your
father’s son. I can see that. You wouldn’t have helped me
otherwise.” I swallowed down the sobs threatening to spill over
into my voice. I rested my head on Raphael’s shoulder for a long
time, trying to regain my composure. My mind raced and I struggled
to keep control of the situation before the Wolf intervened.
    “After you drank my blood, I could hear some
of your thoughts, especially if we were touching. I heard you speak
of avenging your brother and aunt’s deaths. That came out when we
jumped into the river and I grabbed you. But it’s more than that. I
knew when I saw the new skulls on my father’s wall and he told me
he had kidnapped the Princess of the Golden realm. I knew he was
likely hunting your family. I’m so sorry, Caroline. Don’t you see?
Don’t you see now why we have to get you out of here? What if you
or your father is next?”
    He wrapped his arms around my legs as he
knelt beside me. “I’ll keep you safe. I’ll die for you if it means
you can escape. I won’t let him have you, Caroline.”
    I stared down at Raphael as he stroked the
outer curve of my calf. A warm golden glow of comfort flowed up
from my soul and wrapped around my heart. Already he had been by my
side more times than I could expect my father or mother to be. My
family was gone with the death of my brother and aunt. It was my
reality and I knew it. I rubbed my fingers through Raphael’s hair
for a long time, watching the sun rays catch the reflections in his
onyx highlights. He sat curled up at my feet, holding me close amid
my knees and legs. He rested his head in my lap as I casually
played with his hair.

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