The Endangered

Free The Endangered by S. L. Eaves

Book: The Endangered by S. L. Eaves Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. L. Eaves
not that wasted. Okay—maybe I’m a little drunk, but listen she—”
    “She’s had a rough time lately. Cut her some slack and calm down. Let’s play some pool. See how drunk you really are.”
    Jeff makes for the pool table; Erica staggers after, still protesting.
    “Okay, I get it I’m a buzz kill, but I’m telling you—keep an eye on that girl. Something’s not right. She’s like sick or possessed or something.”
    “Babe, I love you, but are you hearing yourself right now? Get some water and dial down the crazy.”
    Erica eyes Lori.
    “I know what I saw.”
    The night is a typical shade of gray. The city is masked in a perpetual layer of haze. I stumble out of the bar with my roommates, minus Jeff who had taken a plastered Erica back to her dorm. I am mostly faking my intoxication, but I’d managed to consume enough liquor to generate a buzz, one quickly subdued by the frigid night air.
    I stare up forlornly at the clouds. The wind is brisk and whisks them across the moon, graceful, yet ominous. I let them hypnotize me as we walk. A car races by, calls from inebriated classmates pour from the windows-and break my daze.
    “Hey, I think that was Chad.”
    “It sounded like him.” I try to sound interested.
    “Didn’t it? And that was Rickie with ’em. Had to be.”
    “Crazy fuckers.”
    “Yeah…maybe we should see them about an after party.”
    “My guess is they’ll be seeing the cops if they keep carrying on like that.”
    We are making our way down a street on the edge of campus. College apartments flank our left. Students usually fill the balconies and surrounding lawn with kegs and barbecue pits, but the unforgiving temperature had forced even the heartier drunkards indoors tonight.
    I impulsively take a deep breath and the sting of the night air shocks my unused lungs. I cough. My friends are still talking about Chad and his ‘banging’ friends. Suddenly the door of the parked car we’re passing flies open and I nearly slam into it. The long black Buick screams government issue, it’s tinted windows giving it that furtive edge. I grab the top of the protruding door to prevent collision.
    My friends stop and turn back, looking curiously at the parked vehicle.
    “Get in,” orders a deep, faceless voice.
    I hesitate.
    “Now, Lori.”
    I peer in but can only make out a dark silhouette.
    This night keeps getting better.
    “I’ll catch up with you later,” I assure my friends.
    “You sure, Lori? Everything okay?”
    “Yeah, it’s cool. Later.”
    I swing in, closing the door behind me. My stomach knots.
    My friends linger on the sidewalk, wearing dumbfounded expressions as we drive away. The driver does not speak. Light from the street and the occasional passing car allow for brief, eerie glimpses of my companion.
    Shrouded in a cloak, he slides back the hood to reveal striking porcelain features and the subtle gleam of fangs.
    “Who are you?” I try to stifle a gasp.
    “I think you know.”
    “You’re Adrian. I’d say ‘nice to meet you’ but given the circumstances…well, does anyone ever say that to you?”
    “You are surprised. I suppose Catch gave the impression I was one for smoke and mirrors. It’s really not the case.”
    “I’m more surprised by your timing. How’d you know I’d be walking down that street tonight? You stalking me, too?”
    “Let’s just say I’ve had lots of practice.”
    “Yeah, your kind does seem to have a knack for it. So what do you want?”
    “Very direct. I like that.” He continues, “I trust Catch has been teaching you some valuable skills. I doubt, however, that he has encouraged your recent behavior.”
    “No, he hasn’t. My decisions are my own.”
    “You cannot act as if nothing has changed. It’s a dangerous facade. You will only end up hurting them in the end.”
    “Is that a threat?”
    He laughed dryly. “No. It’s advice. You’d be wise to take it. Cut off all ties to your old life. Those

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