A Spring Affair

Free A Spring Affair by Té Russ

Book: A Spring Affair by Té Russ Read Free Book Online
Authors: Té Russ
Tags: United States, Romance, African American
they struck up an encore of their amazing night together.
    Maya had just returned from giving the last tour of the day, when she sat down and saw the flashing alert at the bottom of her computer screen.
    She hurried up and opened the message.
    [Xavier Fuller: I've been missing that beautiful face of yours.]
    [ :-) ]
    [Xavier Fuller: I can't stop thinking about this past weekend.]
    Maya smiled at his words. Xavier had spent the rest of the weekend at her place. They mostly spent that time in bed making love.
    [Neither can I.]
    [Xavier Fuller: I want to see you again this weekend.]
    She nibbled on her lip as she read his message. She wanted to see him again, and she wouldn't mind having a repeat of the previous weekend. Not wanting to waste another moment, she typed out her response.
    [I want to see you too.]
    [Xavier Fuller: Can you come up here this weekend?]
    [Come to Sacramento?]
    [Xavier Fuller: Yeah. I want to show you my place.]
    Maya felt giddy reading his message. She was eager to see what his home looked like, including his wine cellar he'd mentioned.
    [Sure. I'm off this weekend. I'll drive down after I get off on Friday.]
    [Xavier Fuller: Great. Come by Wined & Dined.]
    [Okay, I'll see you Friday.]
    [Xavier Fuller: I can't wait.]
    Wined & Dined look much more different this Friday evening than the last time Maya had visited. When she entered the café, there was a loud hum of friendly chatter as patrons sipped their wines and enjoyed their meals.
    "Hello, welcome to Wined & Dined."
    Maya turned at the sound of a pleasant voice and came face to face with a pretty, petite female. She had a bright smile on her face. A very familiar face. Her skin tone was the same milk chocolate brown as Xavier's and when Maya took a closer look, she realized the family resemblance was uncanny.
    She looked down at the younger woman's name tag and confirmed her thoughts.
    "Lena?" Maya asked.
    "Yes," Lena said, running her hand through her short cropped hair. "Do we know each other?"
    "Not officially, but we've spoken on the phone. I'm–"
    "Maya!" Lena said, excitedly. She reached out and pulled Maya in to her arms for a large embrace. "It is so good to finally meet you in person!"
    "It's good to meet you too," Maya said, laughing. "Is Xavier around?"
    "Of course he is," Lena said, taking Maya's hand and guiding her through the café, over to the bar. "Xay!"
    His broad back was facing them as they got to the bar. He turned with an exasperated look on his face.
    "Lena, I've told you not to shout in here."
    His face instantly transformed when he saw Maya standing with Lena.
    "You were saying?" Lena mumbled sarcastically.
    "Hey," Xavier said to Maya, now ignoring his sister.
    "Hi," Maya said back.
    He came from around the bar and kissed Maya on the cheek. Never taking his eyes off Maya, he grabbed her hand.
    "Cover for me Lena," he said, leading Maya away from the bar.
    Lena made some smart remark that neither she nor Xavier heard. He pulled her into his office, shut the door and pressed her against it as his mouth came crashing down on hers. After another hot minute of lip locking, he finally pulled away.
    "I guess you really did miss me," Maya teased.
    "Do you have any doubts?" Xavier asked, grinding his hips against hers. She bit her lip to tamp down the moan at the base of her throat, then she moved around him. As tempting as it was to jump him right here in his office, she didn't want the entire café hearing her cries of passion. They would have to wait.
    "So," she said, trying to clear her head. "I see things are back to normal this Friday night."
    He stuck his hands in his pockets and she watched as he, not-so-discreetly, adjusted himself.
    "Yep, back to normal. Although my staff is still wishing for another random night off with pay," he said with a wink. "How was the drive?"
    "About average," Maya answered.
    "Are you hungry?" Xavier asked.
    "Are you kidding?" she threw back at him.

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