Ignite Me: Shards of Glass, Part One

Free Ignite Me: Shards of Glass, Part One by L. C. Mills

Book: Ignite Me: Shards of Glass, Part One by L. C. Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. C. Mills
“I'll be sure to find it! Oh, and Elliot?!”
    He turned around and looked worried.
    “What's your surname?!”
    He narrowed his eyes. “Baker! Why?!”
    I smiled. “Don't look so worried! Just don't quit your job any time soon! I'll have some VIP passes sorted out for you, for my Dad's tour! I'll send them here for you!”
    His jaw dropped and his eyes went wide. “Wow, thank you! That is immense! You are so cool.”
    I shrugged as I walked over to Cameron. “Just don't tell everybody yeah!”
    He grinned. “Sure, secrets safe with me!” He left the room.
    “You shouldn't encourage the kid!” He held my coat for me.
    I sighed. “It's not encouraging anyone! It's my dad, he'll meet not me! And thank you for taking the photo for him!”
    He slipped my coat onto my arms and sorted out the collar. “Well, I have no right to complain! I suppose it's something I'll have to get used to! Other men looking at you that way!”
    I pulled my bag over my head so it sat across my body. “How do men look at me?! Care to explain what you mean?!” I didn't understand what he meant! I wasn't some movie star that everybody lusted after I was just the daughter of a rock star! I was average height, average weight and had an almost sad looking face. I doubt any men looked at me like anything.
    He held the door open for me to pass by him. “They look at you like they wish they could do more than take a photo with you! And you have no idea just how beautiful you actually are do you?!”
    I laughed. “I'm not!”
    He placed his right hand on my lower back as we walked back through the restaurant. There were less people than there had been I guess the lunch time rush was over.
    His hand felt protective on my back. It was actually nice.
    “You are and one day you will see it!” He nodded at the waiter that scuttled over to open the door for us to leave.
    “Thank you!” I smiled as we passed him.

    “So did you want to go to the gift shop now?! It's on this level!”
    I thought about it before answering. “Oh, um, can we go on the way down?! I'm weird! I like to look at the gift shop last!”
    “That's fine, we have to come back to this level anyway!” He pressed the button for the lift that would take us up. The lift pinged and doors rolled open. It was empty, so Cameron led us in. As the doors closed he turned to face me. “The lift won't stop until level 69 now!”
    I nodded. “These move pretty fast!” It didn't make me feel sick like last time though. Must have been because I'd eat properly since.
    He grinned at me. “6 meters a second they move at so I'm told!” He took a step towards me and tilted his head to one side like he was stalking prey.
    “You make me feel like a painting in an art gallery the way you look at me!” I didn't find it as odd as maybe I should have done.
    He smiled. “I'm sorry, it's your eyes! Depending on what light they are in they look different! I find it fascinating!”
    I grinned at him. “Hazel eyes do that! They are changed by light and lack of! Blue eyes do the same!” I studied his eyes. They still looked like liquid chocolate.
    “It's because you’re very pale too, I'd imagine!” He looked up at the ceiling of the roof. “Very clever idea for a lift!”
    I glanced up and grinned. “Wow.” I found myself looking up at what looked like a giant screen showing the lift going through several London landmarks.
    I pulled my phone from my pocket and turned it back on waiting for it to boot up. “It's cool! I'm gonna take a selfie!” I grinned.
    He lent against the lift wall and smirked. “Oh, I'll look forward to seeing that online later!”
    I laughed. “Not all my photos end up online Cameron!”
    I took a couple photos of the lift ceiling as it changed and the turned the forward facing camera on and pulled a confused face for the photo. I then turned the camera back around and took a couple of normal ones.
    “Aren't you going to

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