A Slave to the Fantasy
didn't care and the thing was: he wasn't trying not to care.
Because trying not to care was actually phoney. It was actually a
form of caring.
    “What's your name?” Roberts asked.
    “Justene,” She said smiling.
    For some reason, the usual way he always did things
when he traded introductions with an attractive girl he wanted to
sleep with, he always felt a pressing need to say more to keep the
conversation going. He couldn't shake the feeling that silence was
    Not today. It all shifted. He asked her for more by
just simply gesturing and responding “ok”.
    Then low and behold she started asking him for more
    “Imagine that,” he thought to himself. “She wants to
talk to me and is digging for more. A hot girl. The shoe is on the
other foot.”
    It had never gone down like that before. Still, on
this morning, it felt right. It felt natural.
    He didn't know why it was working but he felt without
question it was. The answer was simple: keep it going. Keep being
the one with the high standards. Keep being the one who was
challenging her in a playful fun way. Be willing to walk and
instead of doing what he always did: try to please her or find
    “I am going to Wendys,” he announced. “You should
join me.”
    Out the door he went down the terminal to the Wendys
for the $6 single small hamburger.
    He expected Justene to follow and she did. This was
truly uncanny.
    He teased. He shut up and drank in the uncomfortable
silence he used to dread. He was too damn tired to care. He had no
clue why he felt so powerful. Was it the succession of success he
kept having with this girl? Or was it behavior that drew her in and
created the success? And if that success didn't happen here like it
was, would it have even mattered?
    He did a lot of touching on the shoulder, the arm,
the cheek. He felt no nervousness. Just enjoying this unique 1 hour
or so experience. He'd tell her to slow down, while he sped up.
Then he'd pull back. Role reversal. Serious about funny things.
Funny about serious things.
    Basically it was all the things he thought he had to
do, had heard he had to do, but now he was doing them naturally
without thinking. All of this was that way.
    These are things only experience can teach. He was
having it happen. But he was about to get more experience than he
had bargained for very soon.
    When it was time to depart (she was heading to
Minneapolis and he was onto Chicago and home.)
    “If you meet anyone more interesting than me, don't
use this,” Roberts said as he handed her a business card with an
email on it.
    No good bye, just a walk off like John Wayne off in
the sunset.
    When he got back to his house, he jumped online to
clear correspondence and there was a simple message from a sender
he had never seen before. The name and headline were in
    The message simply read “20”.
    Roberts chuckled to himself because he knew that this
was Justene, the girl from the airport. He had teased her playfully
about her age and how she was “too old” for him and he doubted she
could “keep up”. On and on it went.
    She was clearly loving it. A man who wasn't giving in
right away. A man who was making her chase. A man who had power and
didn't “need” anything. She was hooked.
    A couple emails later, plans were made for him to be
in her area. He made it clear he would be there on business and she
could meet him if she wanted.
    She wanted. She definitely wanted. That night they
all (her friends were there too) watched a movie in a hotel room
near where she lived. (A room she actually paid for). He and
Justene made out. Often. Right there with her friends on the other
bed. She'd say “no, no” every time he grabbed for another, but she
was basically powerless.
    The next night they got their own room. They kissed
more and she started sweating from her belly button and her

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