Mistletoe and Murder

Free Mistletoe and Murder by Carola Dunn

Book: Mistletoe and Murder by Carola Dunn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carola Dunn
well-trained servants.”
    â€œPlenty of housemaids.” Miles looked at Daisy. “Am I out of line, Mrs. Fletcher, if I say we’ve all been wondering why Lady Dalrymple chose to come to Brockdene for Christmas?”
    â€œI never attempt to explain anything Mother does,” Daisy said lightly. “Where is everyone else?”
    â€œThe Rev’s in the Chapel, praying to be preserved from Gran’s idols. You haven’t seen them yet, have you, sir? I’ll take you up after breakfast, if you like. They’re rather magnificent.”
    â€œSo Daisy tells me.”
    â€œUncle Victor’s dragged a couple of gardeners out to cut a Christmas tree and some greenery. Flick … Oh, good morning, sir.” Miles jumped up as an elderly gentleman in a decidedly damp tweed suit came into the room.
    â€œSit down, sit down, my boy, and finish your breakfast.”
    â€œJust a last cup of coffee. Will you have one? Mrs. Fletcher, may I present my grandfather, James Tremayne? Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, sir.”
    So this was the solicitor, Dora Norville’s father, who had paid for Miles’s schooling and now employed him. “How do you do, Mr. Tremayne,” Daisy said with a smile. “Don’t tell me you walked over from Calstock in this weather?”
    â€œPooh, pooh, a bit of a breeze and a drop of rain, nothing to a countryman, Mrs. Fletcher, I assure you.” He stood on the hearth, his back to the fire, his steaming clothes releasing an odour of cigars into the room. “Now, the weather forecast is something different. I listened to it this morning on my wireless receiver. I have an excellent wireless
set. They say this wind will grow to gale force in the course of the morning. That’s why I came over early.”
    â€œWe’re quite sheltered at Brockdene,” said Miles, taking his grandfather a cup of coffee. “I dare say it won’t amount to much except for those at sea. But you’d better reckon to spend the night, sir.”
    â€œPerhaps so, perhaps so. I wouldn’t wish to put out Lord Westmoor’s guests.”
    â€œYou won’t do that, Mr. Tremayne,” Daisy assured him. Her mother could not possibly have any greater objection to a country solicitor than she already did to a dark-skinned poor relation, and her host’s absence. “The more the merrier, especially at Christmas.”
    He beamed at her. “Just what I think, dear lady! And that reminds me, I brought the post with me, and there was a letter for Lady Dalrymple, as well as one or two for your father, Miles. And the newspapers. They are on the hall table. Godfrey doesn’t take a newspaper, so I generally bring a couple when I come over. I expect you’d like to see the Times , Mr. Fletcher.”
    Alec agreed, though his usual paper was the Daily Chronicle , a shockingly liberal choice for a policeman. They chatted about the news of the day for a few minutes, until a maid came in and said to Daisy, “Please, madam, her ladyship wants to see you.”
    â€œRight-oh, I’ll go up in a minute. Thank you … ?”
    â€œJenny, madam. Right away, madam, her ladyship said. Her ladyship’s in a proper state, madam, and I’m sure I hope ’tis not something I’ve done; but I weren’t trained up for a lady’s maid and that’s the plain truth of it.”
    â€œShe’d have left you in no doubt if it were your fault,
Jenny.” Regretfully Daisy abandoned what little remained of her sausage and toast. “Oh dear, what now, I wonder?”
    â€œI reckon it’s that letter, madam,” Jenny said, as they left the dining room. “Knowing Mr. Tremayne were come, and him sometimes bringing the post, I looked and saw it on the table when I were going up to get her ladyship’s breakfast things, so I took it up to her ladyship. She sent me to run her bath, and she were opening it when I left, and

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