Reborn (The Cartographer Book 2)

Free Reborn (The Cartographer Book 2) by Craig Gaydas

Book: Reborn (The Cartographer Book 2) by Craig Gaydas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Craig Gaydas
long as they have known each other. The wolf trailed behind Sam with its head low to the ground and growled. It was his low, guttural growl that caused goose bumps to break out on Corvus' arms. He didn't know much about the animal but he did know Sam's skills. Their group was about to be treated to a show.
    The lion's haunches tightened when Sam approached and he appeared poised to strike. Sam stopped and let his companion move past him. The lion showed no fear toward Sam, but paused when the wolf approached. The lion, although not afraid, sniffed the air in confusion at the site of the animal. Claw stopped about fifteen yards from the lion. He raised his muzzle toward the lion. His eyes, pale orbs of white totally devoid of fear, fixed on his quarry. Satisfied that the wolf was his enemy, the lion leapt.
    It happened so fast that Corvus was still processing the event minutes after it ended. The lion stretched in mid-air, its paws—bigger than a grown man's hands—were extended and ready to strike. Then it happened. One moment the lion was there, the next moment it wasn't. There was fire, an explosion and the lion was simply gone. The only thing remaining was blood, a few clumps of fur and entrails which covered most of Claw's face and upper torso. Toward the rear of the wolf there was an open hatch and an empty metal enclosure. Smoke poured from the cavity and tiny flames licked the edges of the wolf's fur before burning out.
    “What the hell just happened?” Natronix asked, his mouth agape.
    The metal enclosure receded inside the animal and the hatch closed, covering the hole with fur. Sam approached the animal and crouched down and brushed away some of the burnt fur.
    “Damn, I'm going to have to get that fixed now,” he groaned. “He fired when the lion was too close.”
    Corvus bellowed laughter and clapped Sam on the back. “That is ingenious! Your experiments have improved since the last time we met.”
    Sam waved him off and continued to work on the wolf. Calypso approached the pair cautiously and gestured toward Claw. “What the hell is that thing?”
    Sam looked away from his fur repair duties and smiled. “I guess I should have been more specific upon introduction. This is a Cybernetic Land Assault Weapon, Claw for short. This here is the Arctic Wolf model.”
    Claw looked up and chuffed. Calypso seemed entranced by the weapon. He crouched down and placed his hand on the wolf's head. The animal accepted it without resistance.
    “My god,” he gasped. “It's so realistic.”
    Sam's smile faded. “Of course it is, I designed it that way.”
    “Sam is our best weapons engineer,” Corvus beamed. “He will help design weapons to use in the upcoming battle.”
    “I'm sorry,” Natronix interrupted with a scowl “But how are animals going to help us defeat the Consortium?”
    Before Corvus could answer his communicator chirped. He unclipped it from his belt and barked into it. “This better be important!”
    “It is,” Shai's voice growled from the other end. “There is a shuttle on the way toward New York.”
    Corvus narrowed his eyes and glanced at Calypso. “Oh really?”
    “They must have found a cure for your little plague,” Calypso offered. “I bet they are on their way to the U.N. to administer it.”
    “According to my sources, the Cartographer is aboard,” Shai said.
    Corvus dropped the communicator to his side and his lips tightened. “We now have our chance.” He turned to Calypso.
    Calypso nodded, grabbed Natronix and headed toward their shuttle.
    “Wait, that's not all,” Shai said. “Meta has dispatched a force heading your way. It seems they mean to intercept you, but since they only sent one ship it appears they want to maintain discretion.”
    “So, they have a Cartographer?” Sam asked.
    Corvus nodded. He turned toward the departing figures of Calypso and Natronix. “Wait!” he called. They stopped and turned. “I need you to take Sam with you.”
    “Me?” Sam

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